Title: Welcome Each of You to My Molecular Biology Class
1Welcome Each of You to My Molecular Biology Class
2Molecular Biology of the Gene, 5/E --- Watson et
al. (2004)
Part I Chemistry and Genetics Part II
Maintenance of the Genome Part III Expression
of the Genome Part IV Regulation Part V Methods
3Part V Methods
Ch 20 Techniques of Molecular Biology Ch 21
Model Organisms
- Model Organisms
5Model Organisms
- Fundamental problems are solved in the simplest
and most accessible system in which the problem
can be addressed. - These organisms are called model organisms.
6Some Important Model Organisms
- Escherichia coli and its phage (the T phage and
phage ?) - Bakers yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
- The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
- The house mouse Mus musculus
7Features of Model Systems
- The availability of powerful tools of traditional
and molecular genetics. - The study of each model system attracted a
critical mass of investigators. (Ideas,methods,
tools and strains could be shared)
8HOW to choose a model organism?
- It depends on what question is being asked.
When studying fundamental issues of molecular
biology, simpler unicellular organisms or viruses
are convenient. For developmental questions, more
complicated organisms should be used.
9CHAPTER 15 The Genetic Code
10Bacteriophage (Viruses)
- The simplest system
- Their genomes are replicated only after being
injected into a host cell. - The genomes can recombine during these infections.
11Figure Bacteriophage
12- Each phage attaches to a specific cell surface
molecule (usually a protein) and so only cells
bearing that receptor can be infected by a
given phage.
13Two Basic Types
- Lytic phage eg. T phage
- infect a bacterial cell
- DNA replication
- coat proteins expression
- host cell lysed to release the new phage
14The lytic growth cycle
Figure 21-1
15- 2. Temperate phage
- eg. Phage ?
- Lysogeny (????)the phage genome integrated into
the bacterial genome and replicated passively as
part of the host chromosome, coat protein genes
not expressed. - The phage is called a prophage.
- Daughter cells are lysogens.
16Figure 21-2 The lysogenic cycle of a
17- The lysogenic state can switch to lytic growth,
called induction. - Excision of the prophage DNA
- DNA replication
- Coat proteins expression
- Lytic growth
18Figure 16-24 Growth and induction of ? lysogen
19Assays of Phage Growth
- Progagate phage
- by growth on a suitable bacterial host in
liquid culture. - Quantify phage
- plaque (???) assay
20Progagate phage
- Find a suitable host cell that supports the
growth of the virus. - The mixture of viruses and bacteria are filtered
through a bacterial-proof filter.
21Quantify phage
- Phage are mixed with and adsorb to bacterial
cells. - Dilute the mix.
- Add dilutions to soft agar (contain many
uninfected bacterial cells). - Poured onto a hard agar base.
- Incubated to allow bacterial growth and phage
22Soft agar
Hard agar
a petri dish
23As the viruses replicate and are released, they
spread and infect the nearby cells.
- This circle-of-death produces a hole or PLAQUE
in a lawn of living cells. These plaques can be
easily seen and counted so that the numbers of
virus can be quantitated.
24The Single-Step Growth Curve
Latent period-the time lapse between infection
and release of progeny. Burst size-the number of
phage released
Figure 21-4
25The Single-Step Growth Curve
- It reveals the life cycle of a typical lytic
phage. - It reveals the length of time it takes a phage to
undergo one round of lytic growth, and also the
number of progeny phage produced per infected
1. Phage were mixed with bacterial cells for 10
minutes. (Long enough for adsorption but too
short for further infection progress.) 2. The
mixture is diluted by 10,000. (Only those cells
that bound phage in the initial incubation will
contribute to the infected population progeny
phage produced from those infections will not
find host cells to infect.)
273. Incubate the dilution. At intervals, a sample
can be removed from the mixture and the number of
free phage counted using a plaque assay.
28Phage Crosses and Complementation Tests
Mixed infection a single cell is infected with
two phage particles at once.
29Mixed infection (co-infection)
- 1. It allows one to perform phage crosses.
If two different mutants of the same phage
co-infect a cell, recombination can occur between
the genomes. The frequency of this genetic
exchange can be used to order genes on the genome.
30- 2. It allows one to assign mutations to
complementation groups.
If two different mutant phage co-infect the same
cell and as a result each provides the function
that the other was lacking, the two mutations
must be in different genes (complementation
groups). If not, the two mutations are likely
located in the same gene.
31Transduction and Recombinant DNA
- During infection, a phage might pick up a piece
of bacterial DNA (mostly happens when a prophage
excises form the bacterial chromosome). - The resulting recombinant phage can transfer the
bacterial DNA from one host to another, known as
specialized transduction.
eg. Phage ?
32CHAPTER 15 The Genetic Code
33Features of bacteria
- a single chromosome
- a short generation time
- convenient to study genetically
34Assays of Bacteria Growth
- Bacteria can be grow in liquid or on solid (agar)
medium. - Bacterial cells are large enough to scatter
light, allowing the growth of a bacterial culture
to be monitored in liquid culture by the increase
in optical density (OD).
35- Bacterial cells can grow exponentially when not
over-crowded, called exponential phase.
Figure 21-5 Bacteria growth curve
- As the population increase to high numbers of
cells, the growth rate slows, called stationary
36Quantify bacteria
- Dilute the culture.
- Plate the cells on solid medium in a petri dish.
- Single cells grow into colonies count the
colonies. - Knowing how many colonies are on the plate and
how much the culture was diluted makes it
possible to calculate the concentration of cells
in the original culture.
37Bacteria Exchange DNA by
- Sexual Conjugation
- Phage-Mediated Transduction
- DNA-Mediated Transformation
38We use genetic change to
- Map mutations.
- Construct strains with multiple mutations.
- Build partially diploid strains for
distinguishing recessive from dominant mutations
and for carrying out cis-trans analyses.
39Sexual Conjugation
Plasmids autonomously replicating DNA elements
in bacteria.
Some plasmids are capable of transferring
themselves from one cell to another. eg.
F-factor (fertility plasmid of E.coli)
40- F cell cell harboring an F-factor.
- Hfr strain a strain harboring an integrated
F-factor in its chromosome. - F-lac an F-factor containing the lactose
Figure 21-6
41- F plasmid is a fertility plasmid that contains a
small segment of chromosomal DNA. - F-factors can be used to create partially
diploid strains. - eg. F-lac
42- F-factor-mediated conjugation is a replicative
process. The products of conjugating are two F
cells. - The F-factor can undergo conjugation only with
other E.coli strains.
43- Some plasmids can transfer DNA to a wide variety
of unrelated strains, called promiscuous
conjugative plasmids. - They provide a convenient means for introducing
DNA into bacteria strains that cant undergo
genetic exchange.
44Phage-mediated transduction
- Generalized transduction A fragment of
chromosomal DNA is packaged instead of phage DNA.
When such a phage infects a cell, it introduces
the segment of chromosomal DNA to the new cell. - Specialized transduction
45Figure 21-7 Phage-mediated generalized
46DNA-mediated transformation
- Some bacterial species can take up and
incorporate linear, naked DNA into their own
chromosome by recombination. - The cells must be in a specialized state known as
genetic competence.
47Bacterial Plasmids Can Be Used as Cloning Vectors
- Plasmid circular DNA in bacteria that can
replicate autonomously. - Plasmids can serve as vectors for bacterial DNA
as well as foreign DNA. - DNA should be inserted without impairing the
plasmid replication.
48Transposons Can Be Used to Generate Insertional
Mutations and Gene and Operon Fusions
eg1. Transposons that integrate into the
chromosome with low-sequence specificity can be
used to generate a library of insertional
mutations on a genome-wide basis.
49Figure 21-8 Transposon-generated insertional
50Insertional mutations generated by transposons
have two advantages over traditional mutations.
- The insertion of a transposon into a gene is more
likely to result in complete inactivation of the
gene. - Having inactivated the gene, the inserted DNA is
easy to isolate and clone that gene.
51eg2. Gene and operon fusions created by
Promoter-less lacZ
Reporter gene
Figure 21-9
Gene fusion a fusion in which the reporter is
joined both transcriptionally and translationally
to the target gene.
52Studies on the Molecular Biology of Bacteria Have
Been Enhanced by Recombinant DNA Technology,
Whole-Genome Sequencing, and Transcriptional
53Biochemical Analysis Is Especially Powerful in
Simple Cells with Well-Developed Tools of
Traditional and Molecular Genetics
54- Large quantities of bacterial cells can be grown
in a defined and homogenous physiological state. - It is easier to purify protein complexes
harboring precisely engineered alterations or to
overproduce and obtain individual proteins in
large quantities. - It is much simpler to carry out DNA replication,
gene transcription, protein synthesis, etc. in
bacteria than in higher cells.
55Bacteria Are Accessible to Cytological Analysis
Despite their simplicity and the absence of
membrane-bound cellular compartments, bacteria
are accessible to the tools of cytology, such as
- Immunofluorescence microscopy
- Fluorescence microscopy
- Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
56Phage and Bacteria Told Us Most of the
Fundamental Things about the Gene
There are countless examples where fundamental
processes of life were understood by choosing
these simplest of systems.
57CHAPTER 15 The Genetic Code
Model 3 BAKERS YEAST Saccharomyces cerevisiae
58Features of S. cerevisiae
- Have small genomes
- Can be grown rapidly in the lab
- Central characteristics
- they contain a discrete (????) nucleus with
multiple linear chromosomes packaged into
chromatin - their cytoplasm includes a full spectrum of
intracellular organelles and cytoskeletal
59The Existence of Haploid and Diploid Cells
Facilitate Genetic Analysis of S. cerevisiae
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S. Cerevisiae can grow in either a haploid state
(one copy of each chromosome) or diploid state
(two copies of each chromosome). Conversion
between the two states is mediated by mating
(haploid to diploid) and sporulation (diploid to
60S. Cerevisiae exist in three forms two haploid
cell types, a and ?, and the diploid product of
mating between these two.
Figure 21-10
61Application in the Lab
- Genetic complementation by mating two haploid
strains, each contains one of the two mutations
whose complementation is being tested. - Testing the function of an individual gene
mutations can be made in haploid cells in which
there is only a single copy of that gene.
62Generating Precise Mutations in Yeast Is Easy
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
When linear DNA with ends homologous to any given
region of the genome is introduced into S.
cerevisiae cells, very high rates of homologous
recombination are observed resulting in the
63Figure 21-11 Recombinational transformation in
This property can be used to make precise changes
within the genome, allowing very detailed
questions to be elucidated.
64S. Cerevisiae Has a Small, Well-Characterized
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- S. Cerevisiae was the first eukaryotic organism
to have its genome entirely sequenced. (1996) - 1.3X106 bp, approximately 6,000 genes.
- The availability of the complete genome sequence
has allowed genome-wide approaches to studies
of this organism.
65S. Cerevisiae Cells Change Shape as They Grow
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- S. Cerevisiae divides by budding. The bud grows
until it reaches a size approximately equal to
the size of the mother cell and is released from
it. - The emergence of a new bud is tightly connected
to the initiation of DNA replication.
66Start replicating its genome
Figure 21-12 The mitotic cell cycle in
Chromosome segregation
67CHAPTER 15 The Genetic Code
Model 4 THE NEMATODE WORM, Caenorhabditis
68Caenorhabditis elegans
- Suitable characteristics
- Rapid generation time
- Hermaphrodite(?????) reproduction producing large
numbers of self-progeny
69- Sexual reproduction so that genetic stocks could
be constructed - A small number of transparent cells so that
development could be followed directly
70C.elegans Has a Very Raplid Life Cycle
Caenorhabditis elegans
- C.elegans is cultured on petri dishes, fed a
simple diet of bacteria and grow well at 25C .
12 h
Figure 21-13 The lifecycle of the C. elegans
72- Dauer
- Forming under stressful condition
- Resistant to environmental stresses
- Living many months while waiting for
environmental conditions to improve
73C. elegans Is Composed of Relatively Few, Well
Studied Cell Lineages
Caenorhabditis elegans
Figure 21-14 a
74Figure 21-14 b The body plan of the wrom
gonad??? oocyte???? uterus?? vulva??
pharynx? intestine? anus??
75- Mutations that disrupt the formation of the vulva
form a bag of worms (the hatched worms devour
their mother and become trapped inside her skin).
76- The genes are components of a highly conserved
receptor tyrosine kinase signaling pathway that
controls cell proliferation.
77- Mutations that inactivate this pathway eliminate
vulva development. - Mutations that activate this pathway cause
overproliferation of the vulva precursor cells.
78The cell Death Pathway Was Discovered in C.
- Cell death is under genetic control (a mutated
ced gene). - Analysis of the ced mutants showed that the cell
commits suicide. In males, a cell known as the
linker cell is killed by its neighbor.
Caenorhabditis elegans
79RNAi Was Discovered in C. elegans
Caenorhabditis elegans
Enzyme Dicer makes siRNAs
siRNAs direct a complex called RISC to repress
gene in three ways
Translational inhibition
Motifying promoters
Digesting mRNA
80Figure 17-30
81- In 1998, RNAi was discovered in C. elegans, which
is significant in two respects - RNAi appears to be universal.
- Experimental investigation reveals the molecular
82CHAPTER 15 The Genetic Code
- Model 5 THE FRUIT FLY, Drosophila melanogaster
83- In 1908, Thomas Hunt Morgan and his research
associates at Columbia University placed rotting
fruit on the window ledge of their laboratory.
Among the menagerie of creatures that were
captured, the fruit fly emerged as the animal of
84Drosophila Has a Rapid Life Cycle
Figure 21-15 The rapid life cycle of Drosophila
Drosophila melanogaster
85- The growth of the imaginal disks arising from
invaginations of epidermis in mid-stage embryos.
Figure 21-16 Imaginal disks in Drosophila
86- There is disks for appendages, eyes, antennae,
the mouthparts, and genitalia. - Disks are composed of fewer than 100 cells in the
embryo but thousands of cells in mature larvae.
87- The wing imaginal disk has become an important
model system for the control of complex
patterning processes by gradients of secreted
signaling molecules.
88The First Genome Maps Were Produced in Drosophila
Drosophila melanogaster
- Useful features of the flies in experimental
research - Fecundity
- Rapid life cycle
- Four chromosomes (two large autosomes, a smaller
X, and a very small fourth chromosome) - Polytene chromosomes
89Endoreplication in the absence of mitosis
generates enlarged chromosomes in some tissues of
the fly
Figure 21-17 Polytene chromosomes
90- Two major discoverise by the Morgan lab in 1910
- Mendels first law Genes are located on
chromosomes, and each gene is composed of two
alleles that assort independently during meiosis.
- Mendels second law Genes located on separate
chromosomes segregate independently
91- By the 1930s, extensive genetic maps were
produced that identified the relative positions
of numerous genes. (the distances between linked
genes mapped by recombination frequencies)
92- Large-scale genetic screens are performed by
feeding adult males a mutagen which cause
mutations, and then mating them with normal
females.(A variety of method used to study these
93 Method one
- Bridges used polytene chormosomes to determine a
physical map of the Drosophila genome. - Bridges identified 5000 bands on the four
chromosomes and established a correlation between
the bands and the locations of genetic loci .
94For example
- Female fruit flies that contain the white
mutation and a small deletion in the other X
chromosome, which removes polytene bands 3C2-3C3,
exhibit white eyes. This type of analysis led to
the conclusion that the white gene is located
between polytene bands 3C2-3C3 on the X chromosome
95Method two
- Balancer chromosomes contain inversions
Figure 21-16
96- Such balancers fail to undergo recombination with
the native chromosome. Thus, it is possible to
maintain fruit flies that contain recessive,
lethal mutations.
97Genetic Mosaics Permit the Analysis of Lethal
Genes in Adult Files
Drosophila melanogaster
- Mosaics are animals that contain small patches of
mutant tissue in a generally normal genetic
background. - The most spectacular genetic mosaics are
98Figure 21-19 Gyandromorphs
99- Rarely, one of the two X chromosomes is lost at
the first mitotic division. - Sexual identity in flies is determined by the
number of X chromosomes. (two-female one-male)
100- Suppose that one of the X chromosomes contains
the recessive white allele. Then one half of the
fly, the male half, has white eyes. While the
other female half, has red eyes.
101The yeast FLP Recombinase Permits the Efficient
Production of Genetic Mosaics
Drosophila melanogaster
- The frequency of mitotic recombination was
greatly enhanced by the use of the FLP
recombinase from yeast. - FLP recognizes FRT and catalyzes DNA
102- FRT sequences were inserted near the centromere
of each of the four chromosomes using P-element
transformation. - Heterozygous flies contain a null allele in gene
Z on one chromoso-me and a wild-type copy of that
gene on the other.
103- In transgenic strains that contain FLP protein
coding sequence under the control of
heat-inducible hsp70 promoter, FLP is synthesized
upon heat shock.
104FLP binds to the FRT motifs in the two homologs
containing gene Z and catalyze mitotic
Figure 21-20 FLP-FRT
105It Is Easy to Create Transgenic Fruit Flies that
Carry Foreign DNA
Drosophila melanogaster
- P-elements are transposable DNA that can cause
hybrid dysgenesis (????).(how? )
106Figure 21-21 hybrid dysgenesis
- The F1 progeny are often sterile, when mating
females from the M strain with males from the
P strain.
107- P-elements encode both a repressor of
transposition and a transposase that promotes
mobilization. - The repressor is expressed in the developing P
eggs. Thus M eggs lack the repressor that
inhibits p-element mobilization.
108- Sometimes the P-elements insert into genes that
are essential for the development of progenitors
of the gametes (???), and, as a result, the
adult flies derived from the these matings are
109P-elements can be used as vectors in the
transformation of the fly embryos.
Figure 21-22
110- A full length P-element transposon is 3 kb in
length. It contains inverted repeats at the
termini that are essential for excision and
111- Recombinant DNA is inserted into defective
P-elements that lack the internal genes encoding
repressor and transposase. - Transposase is injected along with the
recombination P-element vector.
112- The recombinant P-elements insert into random
positions in the pole cells. - The amount of recombination p-element and
transposase is calibrated so that, on average, a
given pole cell receives just a single integrated
113- The embryos are allowed to develop into adults
and then mated with tester strains. - The recombinant P-element contains a marker
gene such as white.
114- P-element transformation is routinely used to
identify regulatory sequences. - It can also be used to examine protein coding
genes in various genetic backgrounds.
115CHAPTER 15 The Genetic Code
- Model 6 THE HOUSE MOUSE, Mus musculus
116The predominance of the mouse model
- The mouse is an excellent model for human
development and disease, although, the life cycle
of the mouse is slow by the standard of the
nematode worm and fruit fly.
117- The mouse provides the link between the basic
principles, discovered in simpler creatures like
worms and flies, and human disease. - The chromosome complement is similar between the
mouse and human (autosomomes and X,Y sex
118- Extended regions of a given mouse chromosome
contain homologous regions of the corresponding
human chromosomes. (more than 85 of the mouse
genes are correspond to human genes.)
119Mouse Embryonic Development Depends on Stem Cells
- The first obvious diversification of cell types
is at the 16-cell stage, called the morula (???). - The cells in outer regions of the morula develop
into the placenta (??). - Cells in internal regions generate the inner
cell mass (ICM) which is the prime source of
embryonic stem cells.
Mus musculus
120- At the 64-cell stage the mouse embryo, called a
blastocyst (??), is ready for implantation.
Interactions between the blastocyst and uterine
wall lead to the formation of the plancenta.
121- Then the embryo enters gastrulat-ion (???), and
the ICM forms all three germ layers endoderm
(???) , mesoderm (???), ectoderm (???). - The first stage in gastrulation is the
subdivision of the ICM into two cell lays an
inner hypoblast (???) and an outer epiblast (???).
122- Then a groove called primitive streak (??) forms
along the length of the epiblast and the cells
that migrate into the groove form the internal
mesoderm. The anterior end of the primitive
streak is the node.
123- Shortly thereafter, a fetus emerges that contains
a brain, a spinal cord, and internal organs (eg
heart and liver).
124Figure 21-23 overview of mouse embryogenesis
125It is Easy to Introduce Foreign DNA into the
Mouse Embryo
- Create transgenic mice by microinjection method.
- First, Inject DNA into the egg pronucleus.
- Second, place the embryos into the oviduct
(???) of a female mouse. - Third, the injected DNA integrates at random
positions in the genome.
Mus musculus
126Figure 21-24
127- Germline transformation the offspring of
transgenic mice also contain the foreign
recombinant DNA.
128- A transgenic strain of mice was created that
contains a portion of the Hoxb-2 regulatory
region attached to a lacZ report gene. There are
two bands of staining detected in the hindbrain
region of 10.5 day embryos.
Figure 21-25
129Homologous Recombination Permits the Selective
Ablation of Individual Genes
Mus musculus
- The single most powerful method of mouse
transgenesis is the ability to disrupt, or knock
out, single genetic loci. This permits the
creation of mouse models for human disease.
130- Gene disruption experiments
- They are done with embryonic stem (ES) cells.
- A recombinant DNA is created that contains a
mutant form of the gene of interest. - The method is used to create a cell line lacking
any given gene.
131- The process of the experiment
First, designing the recombination vector. It
contains the modified target gene, the NEO gene
(downstream of the target gene), the region of
homology with the host cell chromosome
(downstream of and flanking NEO) and a marker
(TK, gene for thymidine kinase).
132- Second, transform the vector into ES cells.
- Third, select for NEO. Only the cells which
undergo double recombination with the host cell
chromosome can survive in the neomycin containing
133- Fourth, select against TK. If illicit
recombination occurs, TK gene will frequently be
contained. In this case, the cells which undergo
illicit recombination will die in the GANC
containing medium.
134- Fifth, harvest the homologous recombination ES
cells and inject them into the ICM of normal
blastocysts. - Sixth, insert the hybrid embryo into the oviduct
of a host mouse and allowed to develop to term.
135Figure 21-26
136Mice Exhibit Epigenetic Inheritance
- Parental imprinting only one of the two alleles
for certain genes is active, because the other
copy of is selectively inactivated either in the
developing sperm cell or the developing egg.
Mus musculus
137See the detail in chapter 17
Figure 21-27 imprinting in the mouse