Title: JDE Advanced WMS
1Case StudyUsing JDE Advanced WMS to streamline
Warehouse Operations
Prepared by Vijayan Kannan _at_NexinfoSolution
2Who Is NexInfo?
- Consulting company focused on helping clients
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Business Planning (IBP/SOP), Enterprise Resource
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Gartner Reports, The Silicon Review (50 Smartest
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Oracle Solution Providers 2017), and CIO Review
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(Ireland, UK, Switzerland, Belgium) India
3Presenter Information
- Name Vijayan Kannan
- Experience
- Vijay has 15 Years of Industry and IT Experience
- Industry Experience 6 Years as a Manufacturing
and Supply Planning Manager - IT Experience 9 Years in JD Edwards
Implementations, Upgrades, Maintenance, Support
and Development
4Reminder Submitting Questions
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5Customer Warehouse Business Case
- 12 Warehouse Locations
- 6 Manufacturing Locations
- Inaccurate Inventory
- Seasonality in Demand
- Warehouse Capacity utilization
- Manual Putaway and Picking process
- Shipping the wrong orders / wrong items
- High Labor cost
- Poor Customer Service
6Why We Are Here
- Overview JD Edwards WMS
- Process JD Edwards WMS
- Case Study
- WMS Dashboards
- NexInfo Cloud Connectors
- QAs
7JD Edwards WMS
8JD Edwards WMS Overview
- A JD Edwards warehouse management system process
is generally classified in to below three
processes - Put-away
- Replenishment
- Picking
9JD Edwards WMS Overview
- The general process flow should be as follows
10Process Flows for WMS Enablement
11High Level Process Flow
12Custom Order Management Process Flow
13Manufacturing Process Flow
14Procurement Process Flow
15Purchase Putaway Detailed Process Flow
16Production Putaway Process Flow
17Picking Process Flow
18Packing Process Flow
19Shipping Process Flow
20Case Study
- Understand the existing warehouse structure,
location, zones etc. - Understand the receipt put away process,
predefined movement rules - Discover the pick/pack/ship process and the
expectations on the picking processes - Discover if any replenishment needs of the
warehouse - Understand the volume of master data and its
requirements - Understand the barcoding/labelling /scanning
requirement. - Future State process definition and design
- Creation of roadmap with estimated effort and
timelines - Implemented the future state process design
22FG process flow
Intermediate putaway process flow
23Bulk, Pigments and other items receipt and put
away process flow
24Pick , Pack and Ship Process Flow
Staging and Packing Process Flow
25WMS Dashboards
26Warehouse Managers Dashboard
27Planners Dashboard
28LPN Workbench
29LPN History
30NexInfo Cloud Connectors
- Designed to help companies overcome
businessprocess and application data cloud
migration challenges - Best fit for organizations adopting a customized
Hybrid Cloud model (cloud with on-premise EBS,
JDE, SAP) - Connectors available for
- Finance RECEIPT
- CX
- Planning Central
31Ask Your Questions Via Sidebar
32Contact Us
HEADQUARTERS 1851 East 1st Street, Suite
900 Santa Ana, CA 92705
EMAIL Letstalk_at_nexinfo.com
TELEPHONE (714) 955-6970
WEBSITE www.nexinfo.com