Title: Celebrating Mother Mirra: A Banyan Tree’s Journey
1Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
Celebrating Mother Mirra A Banyan Trees Journey
and Environmental Preservation
- Agastya Academy Dedicated to environmental
preservation. - Mother Mirra A revered Banyan tree symbolizes
nature's reverence. - Transplantation The tree's careful relocation
highlights the academy's commitment. - Legacy Mother Mirra thrives, embodying
resilience and continuity.
2Celebrating Mother Mirra A Banyan Trees Journey
and Environmental Preservation
Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
The Unexpected Call
- On July 4, 2020, I received an unexpected call
from my cousin, Mr. Rajeshwaran, about a grand
Banyan tree at his factory site that was slated
for removal due to construction plans. As I
approached the majestic tree, I felt a deep sense
of responsibility and reluctance. This tree
wasn't just a plant it was a living entity that
had witnessed countless seasons.
The Mission Begins
- Despite the emotional weight, we recognized the
importance of preserving the tree. With a few
drops of rain as a divine sign, we decided to
transplant it to Agastya Academy, where it could
continue to thrive. We prepared a spacious pit
and secured the necessary permissions and
blessings for this delicate task.
3Mother Mirras Divine Journey
- As the tree was lifted, the sight was divine.
Transported on a truck with its roots facing
forward, the tree resembled the revered Kaali
Devi, with branches like outstretched arms. This
majestic display drew onlookers who captured the
extraordinary event, marveling at the tree's
grand procession.
- Upon arriving at Agastya Campus, a gentle drizzle
welcomed us, seen as an auspicious sign. The
trees new home awaited, and for over four hours,
three cranes and JCBs carefully positioned it
while I meditated, hoping for the preservation of
its delicate roots.
4Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
Celebrating Mother Mirra A Banyan Trees Journey
and Environmental Preservation
- Mother Mirra has found her new home at Agastya
Academy, where she is cherished and revered. The
relocation was not just about preserving a tree
but honoring our deep connection with nature.
5Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
Celebrating Mother Mirra A Banyan Trees Journey
and Environmental Preservation
- This year marked Mother Mirras fourth birthday
at Agastya Academy, celebrated with a joyful
festival where children lit lamps to seek her
blessings, reflecting our commitment to nature.
6Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
Celebrating Mother Mirra A Banyan Trees Journey
and Environmental Preservation
- Mother Mirra symbolizes our deep connection to
nature and commitment to environmental
preservation. Lets honor her by embracing
harmonious coexistence with nature for future
7Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
Celebrating Mother Mirra A Banyan Trees Journey
and Environmental Preservation
- Mother Mirra symbolizes our deep connection to
nature and commitment to environmental
preservation. Lets honor her by embracing
harmonious coexistence with nature for future
8Agastya Academy The Best Waldrof CBSE School
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