Title: Celebrating Customer Appreciation | Angara.com Jewelry Blog
1Celebrating Customer Appreciation
Over this past decade, Angara has received
thousands of positive customer reviews and
testimonials, and has heard even more amazing
love stories. The leading gemstone jewelry
e-Tailer is honored to be a part of your lifes
beautiful celebrations and milestones. We are
proud to salute our customers, our fans, and
advocates, who inspire us every day. Here are a
few inspirational reviews and testimonials that
continue to inspire Angara to make it happen
2I worked with one of Angaras jewelers for
several months searching for the perfect
engagement ring for my fiancé .
patiently provided me guidance, grading
information, and dozens of options in terms of
style and settings as I wrestled with the
choices. Once I settled on the ring, she
personally took charge of searching Angaras
inventory for the optimum stones for the setting,
and the results were amazing. She also ensured I
got the ring on time for the special moment I
planned to propose. accepted the ring and
my proposal on Tuesday night, 3 March, in Kauai.
absolutely flipped out over the ring and
has stated to anyone who would listen how perfect
it is and how she couldnt have found anything
she would have liked more. s ability to work
patiently and expertly to help me arrive at the
selection and subsequently make sure it had the
right stones to include such a brilliant
diamond made the critical difference both in my
confidence in the ring, and Im sure in how it
was received by .
3This is how Edward K summed up his experience
with Angara on BBB Business Review in March 2015.
4Much like Edward and his fiancé, Angara has
helped thousands of people make precious life
moments unique and unforgettable over the last
ten years. Their carefully handcrafted jewelry
has brought a smile on countless faces. So on our
10th Anniversary, we thought to look back at some
additional heartwarming experiences shown on
Facebook and Pinterest
5It is not just grand occasions for which Angara
creates exceptional gemstone jewelry. Jewelry is
an everyday affair, which you can adorn according
to your convenience. One such everyday jewelry
experience is by Andrea in her blog My Beautiful
6One of my favorite things in the world
something that has always been a part of my
signature look are chandelier earrings. The
bigger the better! However, my son is in a stage
of his life where he loves to grab my jewelry and
has on several occasions nearly ripped the
earrings from my ears. Thus, I have had to resort
to wearing small, delicate earrings, like these
gorgeous ones from Angara.
7Angara is the gemstone destination and if you are
not familiar with it, you should be, as it is one
of the best places online to buy fine jewelry.
Along with their one-of-a-kind pieces, they also
offer customers free shipping worldwide, 30-day
returns, a 110 refund policy, and 0 interest
financing. They are a completely trustworthy
company, which is essential when investing in
expensive jewelry. One of my favorite things
about their website is that they have a 24/7 hour
live-chat in case you have any questions about
your potential purchase.
The Angara earrings that I own are vivid
sapphires, oval studded in their centers, and
flanked by tiny round brilliant diamonds. These
blue and white beauties are conch-shaped. This
pair of 14k white gold fashion earrings are
perfect to wear whether you are a mother or not
and make a lovely gift option for any special
occasion. I cannot tell you how many compliments
I have received on them since I started wearing
8There are endless such stories and examples,
which have helped create, share, and develop
relationships. Here are some other customers
Angara has served in recent times, who openly
shared their experience on BizRate
Very impressed with the selection and
description of the items.More impressed with the
quick shipping. Keeping my fingers crossed that I
receive the item over night as requested.
Jack I chatted with Angaras Personal Jeweler
while placing my order about some questions I
had. He was super helpful and offered great
insight. Sarah This is my first order. If the
ring meets my expectations I will place future
orders. Jackie
9The Angara Team is more than happy to sparkle
your world, and bring wonderful memories for
years to come. They are certainly looking forward
to being a part in your special moments.
Celebrating their 10th Anniversary, Angara is
giving away an Extra 15 Off Free 299 Blue
Sapphire Shell Pendant on orders 1,499 and more.
Make sure you apply promotion code BLUE at
Source http//blog.angara.com/special-offer/celeb