Title: Basics of Computer
A computer is an electronic device that can
receive, store, process, and output data. It is a
machine that can perform a variety of tasks and
operations, ranging from simple calculations to
complex simulations and artificial
intelligence. Computers consist of hardware
components such as the central processing unit
(CPU), memory, storage devices, input/output
devices, and peripherals, as well as software
components such as the operating system and
3Characteristics Of Computer
1. Speed Executing mathematical calculation, a
computer works faster and more accurately than
human. Computers have the ability to process so
many millions (1,000,000) of instructions per
2. Diligence A human cannot work for several
hours without resting, yet a computer never
tires. A computer can conduct millions of
calculations per second with complete precision
without stopping
4Characteristics Of Computer
3. Reliability A computer is reliable. The
output results never differ unless the input
varies. the output is totally depend on the
input. when an input is the same the output will
also be the same.
5. Versatility Versatility refers to a capacity
of computer. Computer perform different types of
tasks with the same accuracy and efficiency. A
computer can perform multiple tasks at the same
time this is known as versatility.
5Types Of Computers
There are two bases on which we can define the
types of computers. We will discuss the type of
computers on the basis of size and data handling
Types Of Computers Are
Super Computer.
Mainframe Computer.
Mini Computer.
6 Workstation Computer Personal Computer
(PC) Server Computer Analog Computer Digital
Computer Hybrid Computer Tablets and Smartphone
7Basic Operations Of The Computer
This refers to collecting the data and
instructions being given by the user. It can also
be termed as Data Capturing.
This refers to producing the output on the output
devices once the result is calculated.
This refers to processing the given data
according to the given instructions and producing
the required output.
The data is required to be stored at various
levels while processing, before processing, or
even after processing to store desired results.
This is data storage.