Title: Mohammed Al-Madadi - Remarkably Capable Expert - Doha, Qatar
Al-Madadi Deputy Chief of Mission - Embassy of
the State of Qatar in Berlin, Germany
2(No Transcript)
3Experienced in managing IT projects,
restructuring internal teams, and integrating
digital HR systems, these are some of the
responsibilities Mohammed Al-Madadi has handled
as a project manager.
4While working as the Assistant to the
Secretary-General of Amiri Yachts, Mohammed
Al-Madadi managed recruitment efforts worldwide,
automated various HR processes, and expertly
coordinated organizational transformation.
5Mohammed Al-Madadis tenure at the State of
Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he
successfully oversaw the Office of the
Secretary-General, managed multidisciplinary
projects and was heavily involved in diplomatic
missions, proves his commitment to effectiveness
and quality.
6From July 2012 to December 2016, Mohammed
Al-Madadi served as the Deputy Chief of Mission
at the State of Qatar's Embassy in Singapore,
where he handled consular and visa services,
conducted risk assessments, and managed the
welfare of Qatari people residing overseas.
7The next phases of his career included essential
roles, including Assistant to the
secretary-general, and the head of HR at Amiri
Yachts, where he led initiatives for
international hiring, organized organizational
restructuring, and computerized HR processes.
Find out more about him at his official site