Title: The Journey of Bilona A2 Gir Cow Ghee Explained
1The Journey of Bilona A2 Gir Cow Ghee Explained
What Is Ghee ? Ghee is a type of clarified butter
made by simmering butter until the milk solids
separate from the fats and caramelize, infusing
a nutty aroma. It is then strained off to remove
all caramelized milk solids. The filtered clear
pure fat is known as ghee. A2 Ghee stands as the
epitome of traditional goodness. Derived from the
milk of native Indian cows, rich in A2
beta-casein protein, this ghee embodies purity in
every golden drop. With its holistic health
benefits and distinct aroma, A2 Ghee ignites a
flame of wellness within, nurturing both body
and soul. Desi Ghee emerges as a cherished
heritage. Honoring age-old recipes passed down
through generations, this desi ghee encapsulates
the essence of rustic charm. Its robust taste and
2unparalleled richness evoke nostalgia, reminding
us of simpler times and authentic flavors that
linger on the palate long after the last bite.
- Normal 3 types of a2 gir cow ghee available in
Goseva (gokripa products). - Gir Cow Ghee A2 Real Bilona Organic
- Suvarnasiddha Ghritham - immunity booster
- Purnima Vedic Ghee Full Moon Clutured ghee
- and ayurvedic ghee is available in Goseva
(gokripa products). - Panchagavya Ghee Ghrita
- Suvarnasiddha Ghritham Immunity Booster
- Kamdev Ghrita 100ML
- Asthishrinkhala (hadjod) Ghrita 100ML
- Phal Ghrit 100ML Infertility Solution
- Punarnava Ghrita 100ML
- Brahmi Ghrita 100ML
- Triphala Ghrita 100ML
- Arjun Ghrita 100ML
- Kumar Kalyan Ghrita 100ML
- Malkangni Ghrita Jyotishmati
- Ashwagandha Ghrita Vedic Strength
3Traditional Method of Making Ghee Bilona
The traditional method of making bilona ghee
starts with fresh milking of the desi cows. The
milk is boiled to remove bacteria and other
impurities and cooled down to warm
temperature. It's then transformed into curd/
Indian yogurt with a bit of starter yoghurt. This
is traditionally set overnight in clay pots.
Later the curd is scooped into a bigger wooden or
earthen pot and a bilona, a wooden churner is
placed in the pot. The bilona has a rope wrapped
around it. You churn the contents of the pot by
continuously pulling the rope ends with both
hands, creating a clock-wise and anticlock-wise
motions which slowly separates the white butter
from the whey. The white butter is transferred
to another earthen pot and heated over a slow
wooden fire. The liquid continues to cook well
after the milk solids separate and deposit to the
bottom caramelize slightly. Sometimes cooking
and medicinal herbs are added during the boiling
process to develop more flavour and enhance the
medicinal value of the ghee.
Health benefits of ghee
Ghee, the clarified butter, offers a wide range
of health benefits.
4- It is a rich source of healthy fats, conjugated
linoleic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids. So,
using desi ghee in our daily life improves heart
health, supports brain health, and reduces
inflammation. - Moreover, ghee contains fat-soluble vitamins such
as A, D, E, and K, essential for improving bone
health and boosting immunity. - As cow ghee is a natural moisturizer, it helps to
maintain healthy skin. - The benefits of cow ghee also include
anti-inflammatory properties and better gut
health. - As ghee is packed with essential amino acids that
mobilize fat and shrink fat cells. Hence, you
can use ghee for weight loss. - Cow ghee is used as an Ayurvedic ghee medicine as
it builds sapta dhatus and purifies the vata,
pitta, and kapha doshas. - However, it is important to note that you will be
able to enjoy all the nutritional benefits of
desi ghee only if you use pure organic cow ghee.
Desi ghee is made from A2 milk, which according
to Ayurveda, is the best ghee. You need not waste
your time searching for ghee from grass-fed
cows. You can buy ghee online from Goseva
(gokripa products).
About Goseva (Gokripa Products)
Goseva (Gokripa Products) is a distinguished
Panchagavya products manufacturing unit
established in 2007. With a legacy dating back to
1660 in Gir Gaushala, Goseva is dedicated to
indigenous cow protection, care, and the
production of high-quality Panchagavya
products. Goseva boasts excellence in dairy
farming, with an in-house herd of over 1000 cows.
This commitment ensures the sourcing of
high-quality, pure milk for the production of
Panchgavya products, setting Goseva apart as a
leader in the industry. With a legacy steeped in
tradition and propelled by innovation, Goseva
crafts an array of products that celebrate the
purity and potency of cow-derived elements. From
the nourishing goodness of A2 milk to the
therapeutic properties of cow dung and
urine-based formulations, each creation reflects
the harmonious coexistence between man and
nature. Goseva's commitment to quality extends
far beyond the borders of its homeland, reaching
discerning consumers across 50 to 60 countries.
Through meticulous craftsmanship and unwavering
dedication, Goseva ensures that its products
transcend geographical boundaries, enriching
lives and fostering wellness on a global
scale. As custodians of this timeless tradition,
Goseva (Gokrip Producers) remains steadfast in
its mission to spread the message of "go-seva"
far and wide, nurturing a world where compassion,
sustainability, and well-being reign supreme.