Title: Pilates Studio in Rosemount
2 ABOUT US Aktivliving is the best place if you
are looking for a Pilates Studio in Rosemount.
The Journey started at a young age but it began
when her husband became sick and she started to
research more about food and how she could
incorporate different ingredients to help keep
her husbands immune system and strength up he
had throat cancer which years later would have
significant ramifications on his health and today
continues to. She is a yogi and hitting the mat
is very much a part of her life, she loves
walking, Pilates, and training with her trainer
Jimi to keep her strong.
- Reformer Pilates
- Yoga
- Pilates Studio
- Yoga Studio
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5Contact Us
Tel 0459 900 936 Web https//maps.app.goo.gl/M5U
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