Title: Fitness Consultant in Humber Summit
2 ABOUT US If you are looking for the Best
Fitness Consultant in Humber Summit, then contact
JP Functional Fitness. Welcome to JP FUNCTIONAL
FITNESS in Humbermede. Functional fitness is a
type of exercise that supports your everyday
life. It includes movements such as walking,
pushing, pulling, bending, squatting, lunging,
and core. These exercises improve functional
strength. They provide personal training
services, including one-on-one training, group
sessions, remote training, and online
programming. Whether your goal is to elevate your
overall fitness, gain strength, drop body fat,
increase lean muscle, or simply move better,
their personal training program is the absolute
fastest way to get there. Contact them for a free
consultation and information on the personal
training process.
- Personal trainer
- Strength conditioning coach
- Fitness Consultant
- Weight loss coach
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5Contact Us
Tel (416) 419-1710 Web https//goo.gl/maps/QZz
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