Title: Join the Resiliency-Building Programs: Virtual Programs for Success
1Virtual self-improvement program
By Hope To Healing
2About Us
Hope to Healing is focused on healing healers,
those individuals who dedicate their lives to
helping others and are at high risk for
compassion fatigue. Traditionally, these
professions have been viewed as a practice
that is based on rational and considered thought
but these professionals do emotional work
they deal with pain, joy, anxiety, unhappiness,
hope, loss and anger on a daily basis.
3About Our Virtual self- improvement program
- Find the personal and professional resiliency
you've been looking for with our self-paced,
on-demand virtual coaching and education. Our
programs will equip you with essential skills
like discipline, motivation, emotional
intelligence, adaptability and problem solving.
We go beyond your average self-help tips to give
you the tools and actionable advice needed for
achieving resiliency and happiness as a
community healer and protector.
4Benefits of Self-Care Programs
Restoring Faith
Finding Love
Warior Mindest and more
At some point in our lives, we face challenges
suffering. We may think is impossible to heal
lose our faith. While these points can forever
change our views in , this lesson brings clarity
appreciation that God selects the broken.
Finding Love is a self-guided or small group
bible study with 8 Courses Introduction,
Biblical Love, The Greatest of These, God's
Love, Love for God, Love for Ourselves, Love for
Others, and Loving Example.
There are those fighting on our front lines and
there are those who simply approach modern
challenge and obstacles with the mindset of a
warrior from times gone by. Learn this mindset
and Framework for leading in today's evolving
5Get everything you need with our full programs...
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Full Programs
10-Day Challenges
Restorative Practices
Get all the resources you need with our full
programs which include eBooks, worksheets,
videos and text lessons.
Challenge yourself with a quick dose of our full
programs in just 10-days of lessons.
Included in our programs challenges, practice
new skills with activities like yoga,
meditation, art and music appreciation.
6Connect With US
7Thank you