Title: IB Excellence Made Easy: Specialized IB Tutoring Services
1Blossom Course
We provide a comprehensive learning experience
for students, right at their fingertips!
3We value quality over quantity.
Strong organization skills
Designing online courses require solid
organization skills because you have to summarise
a 2-year program into intensive revision
materials. We ensure that our tutors know how to
emphasize the most important parts, and reduce
tedious and repetitive content so the students
can digest faster and better.
4Passionate about education
A lot of tutors on conventional tuition platforms
just aim to make quick cash out of the sessions.
The quality is mixed and students often see
laid-back tutors that are only doing the bare
minimum. We ensure that our tutors are really
enjoying delivering knowledge to students and
hope to improve our students' scores.
5Solid delivery skills
"Yeah, I hired a tutor that is studying to become
a doctor, he got a 45 in IB. I thought he could
teach me well, but...", is that a familiar
situation for you? Having the knowledge does not
mean knowing how to teach. We care if our tutors
are actually delivering the knowledge or skills
to the students in an understandable way. We
ensure our tutors structure their scripts and
communicate well. If you are having a similar
problem elsewhere, Blossom is here for you!
6Being down-to-earth and relatable
Our tutors are not formal figures like your
regular school teachers. Although it is not
possible to meet in person, we still hope
students feel happy and enthusiastic watching our
courses and learning with us. IB tutors
understand students' latest concerns and issues,
and try their best to address them. We ensure our
tutors carry a professional image yet remain
approachable, humorous, and friendly!
7Contact us
Locations UK , Switzerland , Germany , Spain ,
UAE, Hong Kong
E mail info_at_blossomeducation.co