Title: Signs And Symptoms Of Throat Cancer
2Complete change in the way your voice sounds
from normal
If the cells originated in the vocal cords, then
the change in your voice will appear as the
first symptom and will appear at the earliest
stage, as the cancer cells are directly
associated with them, calling for the first
signs and symptoms of throat cancer. This type
of cancer is predicted to be laryngeal cancer as
it denotes that cancer primarily occurred in the
vocal cords of the larynx.
3A cracking voice
It is commonly called HOARSENESS. This symptom
makes the voice very scratchy, rough with a very
low pitch like when someone screams, even though
if the patient adds up a lot of energy to speak,
the voice fails to break through. There is
another kind of voice which is known as HOT
POTATO VOICE which can be seen in patients with
oropharyngeal cancer. A hot potato voice means
that the voice of the patient suffering from
oropharyngeal cancer might sound like the sound
of someone who has put a hot potato in his mouth.
4Difficulty in swallowing
This condition is also called DYSPHAGIA where the
patient finds it really difficult to swallow the
food as it chokes the throat causing pain. The
pain worsens as the condition gets
severe. Swallowing occurs at the junction of the
esophagus with the pharynx which is present
right below the larynx. Subsequently, cancer
development in this region leads to such a
symptom in the initial stages itself. Whereas, if
it is the result of spreading cancer, the
symptoms show up in the later stages.
5An abrupt loss of weight without any effort put
or exercise done in the process is definitely a
matter of thought.
Well, it is known that all cells consume energy
from the food we eat on burning calories in
order to grow and divide, and so do cancer
cells. But the difference is that, since cancer
cells grow in humongous numbers, they tend to
consume an excessive amount of energy to grow
and divide causing unexplainable burning of
calories which ultimately leads to a drastic
drop in your weight within a few days and
without any effort.
Sudden and fast drop in your weight
6An irritating throat
An irritating pain in the throat
that stays throughout the day, be it whether you
exercise your throat or not. It is usually
accompanied by an infection and cold.
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