Title: Medical Malpractice Law Firm| Retained Surgical Instruments
1The Impact of Retained Surgical Instruments
on Patient Safety
2Did you know around 4,500 to 6,000 sponges and
other surgical instruments are left in patients
bodies each year, which can lead to serious
complications or death?
3Frequently Retained Surgical Objects
Even though hospitals have protocols to prevent
retained surgical objects, they commonly occur
during emergency surgeries. Surgical sponges are
the most common items left inside the body. Other
items include
? Scalpels ? Forceps ? Clamps ? Scissors ? Drain
tips ? Needles
? Tubes ? Scopes ? Measuring devices ? Surgical
gloves and masks ? Gauze
4Causes of Surgical Instruments Being Left Behind
? Emergency situations and surgical
complications ? Fatigue and faulty management
systems lead to incorrect counting of sponges or
instruments ? Multiple surgeries or the
involvement of multiple surgical teams
5Consequences of Retained Surgical Instruments
? Internal bleeding ? Permanent injury or
disability ? Breakdown of surgical sponges causes
bacterial infection and ulceration ? Organ and
blood vessel punctures from sharp-edged
instruments ? Symptoms such as abdominal, pelvic,
or chest pain, fever, swelling, digestive issues,
nausea, and weight loss
6Seeking Compensation in Medical Malpractice
When a retained surgical instrument is
identified, it often requires further surgery for
its removal, which leads to substantial medical
expenses, prolonged recovery time, and
considerable discomfort. Some possibilities for
seeking compensation for damages include ?
Medical expenses ? Financial losses due to missed
work ? Loss of future earning capacity ?
Anticipated future care needs ? Emotional
distress and suffering ? Other relevant damages
based on the circumstances of your case
7- Trust our local medical malpractice lawyers to
assess your claim, seek accountability from
negligent medical professionals and hospitals,
and support your healing journey. - Visit https//pa4law.com/medical-malpractice-attor
ney/ - for more.
- Call 610-444-0933