Title: Medical Malpractice Basics
1Medical Malpractice Basics
2Medical negligence is regarded as the divergence
in delivering quality patient care from the
standard of health care, resulting in an injury
to the patient. When the patient is able to state
that the injury occurred is due to the mistake of
the doctor or the hospital staffs, then it can be
regarded as medical negligence.
3Basic Requirements for a Claim
41. A doctor-patient relationship existed
52. The doctor was negligent
63. The doctor's negligence caused the injury
74. The injury led to specific damages
8Special Requirements in Medical Malpractice
9Special medical malpractice review panels
10Special notice requirements
11Expert testimony is required
12New Jersey Medical Malpractice Lawyer firm is an
experienced law firm which deals with medical
malpractice cases. If you have beeninjured in
any way because of medical negligence, you can
get claim for it. But there's a lot more to a
medical malpractice case than apatient getting
hurt. If you want to file a medical malpractice
case knowing all its points, you'll definitely
need a lawyer.http//njmedicallawyer.com