Title: Why does my ear feel clogged | Dr Sharad ENT
1Why Does My Ear Feel Clogged?
2Causes Of Blocked Ears
Given below are the 6 common causes of blocked
ears or clogged ears.
31. Blocked Ear due to water
It is very common and can happen after a shower
or after swimming is a common complaint.
42. Clogged Ears due to Cold
Clogged ears from cold are very common, and so is
usually after blowing nose. Severe cold results
in eustachian tube blockage.
53. Middle Ear Infections or Otitis Media
The middle ear infection causes eardrum
congestion or swelling, or there is fluid
collected behind the eardrum, giving an
ear-clogged feeling.
64. Outer ear infection
Swimmers ear is an outer ear infection due to
water getting accumulated in the ear canal
which promotes bacterial growth resulting in
blocked/clogged ears.
75. Ear Blocked from the sinus infection
Issues such as common colds, allergies, and sinus
infections can lead to ear congestion.
86. Earwax impaction
Hardened earwax can block the ear canal and the
ear feels clogged.
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