Title: Shavei Israel - Founded By Michael Freund
1Shavei Israel
Founded By Michael Freund
2Director Under Israeli Prime Minister
Shavei Israel is a non-profit founded in 2002 by
Michael Freund, the former Deputy
Communications Director under Israeli Prime
Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
3Established The Group In 2002
Shavei Israel seeks to strengthen the bonds
weakened by circumstance, distance, and history.
Michael Freund is the founder and established
the group in 2002.
4A Non-Profit Organisation
Shavei Israel is a non-profit which assists the
descendants of Jewish people and the Lost Tribes
of Israel in reclaiming their roots. The
organization is made up of academic
5Working To Connect People
Shavei Israel is working to connect people from
the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel with the State of
Israel and Jewish people. Founded by Michael
Freund, the organization is reaching Jewish
descendants from around the world.
6Helping All Members Of The Jewish
Shavei Israel reaches out with a helping hand to
all members of the Jewish people and
their descendants longing to renew their
attachment to the people of Israel.
- https//soundcloud.com/shavei-israel
- https//shaveiisrael.contently.com/
https//www.pinterest.com/shaveiisrael/ - https//audiomack.com/shaveiisrael/song/shavei-isr
ael- founded-by-michael-freund
8Shavei Israel