Title: Get Fueled with Top Australian Protein Powder
2About Us
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3About Us
Ben Germein and Hien Nguyen, two close friends,
created Happy Way in 2015. Hien was a dedicated
personal teacher, and Ben was the owner of
numerous gyms. Ben and Hien were both daily
practitioners of health and wellbeing. Hien
discovered a need that was shared by many of his
clients, especially women, through his job as a
personal trainer. They were driven, active
ladies who wanted to add protein powder to their
daily regimen. Hien initially suggested a number
of brands, but she soon realised that they were
all targeted at males and the bodybuilding
community. These women sought apparel that
complemented their lifestyles as a whole, not
just their exercises. They were looking for
energy and motivation-boosting vitamins that
were also healthy and delectable.
4Australian Protein Powder
Australian protein powder is a type of dietary
supplement that provides a concentrated source of
protein. It is made from a variety of protein
sources, including whey, casein, soy, and pea
protein, and is used by people who want to build
muscle, improve athletic performance, or
supplement their diet with additional protein.
Happy Way is the best source of protein
supplements. Visit our website and order Now!
5Convenient source of high-quality protein
Helps build muscle
Supports weight loss
6Website www.happyway.com.au
Email support_at_happyway.com.au
Contact Us
- Address 59 North Terrace, Hackney SA 5069