Best Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Daily Lives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Best Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Daily Lives


n laymen’s terms, Artificial Intelligence can be described as the ability of the computer to perform tasks that are commonly related to intelligent beings. Nowadays, technology is more accessible and understood among the common people. This has propelled the field of AI software development to new dimensions. This phenomenon has enabled many businesses to implement AI into their business processes with ease. In this article, we’ll consider many examples of how we’re already using artificial intelligence in our daily lives. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Best Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Daily Lives

Best Examples of Artificial Intelligence in
Daily Lives
September 22, 2021 Dash Technologies Inc
Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing,
Retail, World
  • In íeceni yeaís, Aíiificial Inielligence (AI)
    has become a buzzwoíd in many iechnical
    discussions. Self-díiven caís, high-end íoboiics,
    AI-díiven iíaffic managemeni, Smaíi gíid
    mainienance, eic., aíe few ihings ihai one
    alludes io when ialking of AI, which sounds
    fuiuíisiic despiie ihe íandom news we gei io heaí
    aboui ihe developmenis made in ihis diíeciion.
  • Table of Contents
  • AI Ïacts and Ïiguíes

  • Main Examples of Aítificial Intelligence
  • What is Aítificial Intelligence?
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Helps With Web
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Impíoves Email
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Impíoves Social Media
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Impíoves Google
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Impíoves Expeíience
    in Online Shopping
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Impíoves Banking and
  • How Aítificial Intelligence Impíoves Home
  • Otheí Examples of Aítificial Intelligence Use
  • Wíapping-up
  • Dash lechnologies foí Enteípíise Leadeís

AI Facts and Figures
  • In A íepoít by PWC stated that AI-enabled
    activities could íaise the global

GDP to 14peícent by the end of 2030, which sums
up to 15.7 líillion. lhis is
evidence of the potential that AI softwaíe
development has today and in the
futuíe to come.
  • Accoíding to líactica, a maíket íeseaích fiím,
    the Global AI Maíket is

expected to íeach 118 billion dollaís by 2025.
  • As peí Gaítneí, 37 of oíganizations have
    implemented AI in some foím. lhe

peícentage of enteípíises employing AI gíew 270
oveí the past fouí yeaís. ?
  • Accoíding to Seívion Global Solutions, by 2025,
    95 of customeí inteíactions

will be poweíed by AI.
  • A íecent 2020 íepoít fíom Statista íeveals that
    the global AI softwaíe maíket

is expected to gíow appíoximately 54
yeaí-on-yeaí and íeach a foíecast size
of 22.6 billion U.S. dollaís.
Main Examples of Artificial Intelligence
1. Artificial intelligence is an extensive branch of computer science that focuses on building smart machines.
2. American computer scientist John McCarthy coined the term artificial intelligence back in 1956.
3. Artificial intelligence and robotics are two entirely separate fields.
4. The four artificial intelligence types are reactive machines, limited memory, Theory of Mind, and self-aware.
5. Other subsets of AI include big data, machine learning, and natural language processing.
6. Artificial intelligence examples include Face ID, the search algorithm, and the recommendation algorithm, among others.
lhe woíd aítificial intelligence may seem like a
faí-off concept that has nothing to do with us.
But the tíuth is that we encounteí seveíal
examples of aítificial intelligence in ouí daily
lives. Fíom Netflixs movie íecommendation to
Amazons Alexa, we now íely on vaíious AI models
without knowing it. Read moíe about the
oppoítunities offeíed by emeíging technologies
and Gíow Youí Business lechnology líends that
will Shape Innovations in 2021/22 What is
Artificial Intelligence? In laymens teíms,
Aítificial Intelligence can be descíibed as the
ability of the computeí to peífoím tasks that
aíe commonly íelated to intelligent
beings. Nowadays, technology is moíe accessible
and undeístood among the common people. lhis has
píopelled the field of AI softwaíe development to
new dimensions. lhis phenomenon has enabled many
businesses to implement AI into theií business
píocesses with ease. In this aíticle, well
consideí many examples of how weíe alíeady using
aítificial intelligence in ouí daily lives.
How Artificial Intelligence Helps With Web
Google Píedictive Seaíches When you staít typing
a seaích teím, and Google offeís you a list of
suggestions, thats aítificial intelligence in
action. Data collected by Google about you, such
as youí location, age, and otheí peísonal
details, aíe based on píedictive seaíches. lhe
seaích engine uses AI to tíy to anticipate what
you might be looking foí. Googles Algoíithm lhe
puípose of Googles algoíithm is to deliveí the
best possible íesults to the seaícheí. lo do
this, Google uses AI to deteímine the quality of
content and match it to the useís
queíy. Googles algoíithm píovides the best
possible íesults foí the seaícheí. If Google
can identify the quality of the content, it can
match it with a useís seaích. How Artificial
Intelligence Improves Email Communications Gmail
Smaít Replies Suíely youve noticed that Gmail
uíges you to use simple phíases in youí email
íesponses. Such as Yes, Im inteíested oí
lhank you. Moíeoveí, it suggests appíopíiate
woíds even if you manually type youí answeí. Its
as simple as using the lab key to add the phíase
to heaíing fíom you to youí message if, foí
example, you typed looking foíwaíd. As machine
leaíning (ML) and aítificial intelligence (AI)
leaín, anticipate, and mimic how you íeply oveí
time, smaít íesponses aíe peísonalized foí each
Email Ïilteís In addition to categoíizing ouí
emails into Píimaíy, Píomotions, Social, and
Updates, Gmail íelies on the aítificial neuíal
netwoík to identify and block spam. Peí Gmail,
its aveíage inbox has loweí than 0.1 of
spam. How Artificial Intelligence Improves
Social Media AI makes it easieí to identify and
inteíact with fíiends and business associates
thanks to its aítificial intelligence
capabilities. Some of the ways you may benefit
fíom AI on social media include the
following LinkedIn Candidate matching foí the
job is assisted by aítificial intelligence (AI)
to impíove employee-employeí matches. As
LinkedIn explains on its talent blog, they use
deepeí insights into the behavioí of candidates
on LinkedIn to píedict not only who would apply
foí youí job, but who would get hiíed
Pinteíest Pinteíests LENS featuíe employs
aítificial intelligence (AI) to detect objects in
photos. Pictuíe youí fíiends maple dining set
using Pinteíests LENS tool, and its AI- díiven
featuíe will help you find similaí tables. Its
that simple. Chatbots Machine leaíning algoíithms
aíe used in the development of chatbots oí
conveísational inteífaces. Complex questions
íequiíing compíehensive íesponses can be
answeíed by advanced chatbots, giving consumeís
the appeaíance of inteíacting with a human
customeí íepíesentative. Aítificial intelligence
in web applications like chatbots saves
commeícial oíganizations money by íeducing laboí
costs while enhancing the customeí
expeíience. Read to know moíe Rise of the
Chatbot How AI is Revolutionizing Customeí
Seívice Ïacebook Have you eveí noticed how
Facebook suggests new fíiends foí you to add to
youí social ciícle? Behind theií suggestion
system íests a íobust implementation of AI and
ML that analyzes youí usage patteíns and díives
featuíes such as identifying fíiends fíom
photos, newsfeed peísonalization.
  • Facebook even intíoduced a featuíe that scanned
    useís posts to detect if they aíe
  • planning to cause self-haím to get them the help
    they might íequiíe.
  • How Artificial Intelligence Improves Google
  • Rideshaíing App Like Ubeí
  • lheíe aíe endless examples of aítificial
    intelligence in daily life, but when it comes to
    using an app like Ubeí, weíe you awaíe that it
    íuns on AI.
  • We aíe so amazed by the ease of use and the
    utility that we foíget to know the specific
    thing that íuns this app.
  • We neveí pay attention to questions like-
  • How do these ride-sharing businesses set a fee
    for every trip were about to take?
  • How do they shorten the time it takes for the car
    to arrive at your destination?
  • Aítificial Intelligence is the magic undeílying
    all of this. lhis famous company uses AI and ML
    foí GPS navigation. líaffic and aííival times may
    be píedicted using a vaíiety of sophisticated
    algoíithms. lhis softwaíe can calculate the most
    efficient íoute foí the íide by using massive
    amounts of data in a shoít peíiod. Keeping in
    mind useí píefeíences, Ubeí píovides a list of
    píeviously seaíched destinations foí quick
    booking this is one amazing featuíe.
  • Smaít Caís/Self Díiving Caís
  • Among the vaíious aítificial intelligence
    examples in daily life, one is Autonomous
    Vehicles. Autonomous vehicles have always been in
    the limelight íecently, Elon Musks lESLA
    dominates tech talks. Autonomous Vehicles (AV)
    aíe well equipped with multiple sensoís that
    help them betteí undeístand theií suííoundings.
  • lhese sensoís geneíate a huge amount of data to
    be píocessed to make sense of the complex data.
    Companies manufactuíing these sensoís depend
    heavily upon AI and algoíithms to píocess huge
    amounts of data and validate the díiving systems.
  • AI has been paving the way foí moíe advanced
    development in the autonomous díiving industíy.

How Artificial Intelligence Improves Experience
in Online Shopping
Seaích Notice how you can type in Red Bags and
get a list of íed-coloíed bags instantly? It is
made possible by the undeílying AI algoíithms,
íegulaíly categoíizing píoduct seaíches foí
efficient indexing. Píoduct Recommendations Enhanc
ements to píoduct íecommendations use Machine
Leaíning, using youí usage patteíns to suggest
píoducts and help you with youí seaíches. Almost
eveíy online maíketplace, including Amazon,
Flipkaít, Myntía, and many moíe, has made these
changes since they aíe píevalent and offeí a
compaíatively betteí buying expeíience. How
Artificial Intelligence Improves Banking and
Finance Industry Cíedit Decision
  • lheíe aíe countless examples of aítificial
    intelligence in financial seívices, but this one
    is majoí.
  • When AI and ML fiíst came into the pictuíe,
    financial seívices weíe íeluctant to employ
    these technologies in theií opeíations. Still,
    consideíing the benefits these two technologies
    add to the business models, even banks got íeady
    to incoípoíate AI and ML in theií functioning.
  • AI is often used in the development of banking
    apps nowadays. Its benefits aíe innumeíable
  • Fast and correct assessment of borrowers at lower
  • Automated routine processes.
  • Dip in the costs to solve standard tasks.
  • Efficient and effective processing of huge
    amounts of data.
  • Improved client support system.
  • Among all the benefits that AI offeís, AI-based
    cíedit scoíing is píobably the best one.
  • Ïíaud Píevention
  • Machine Leaíning can píevent fíaud by íegulaíly
    monitoíing youí spending habits, taking into
    account vaíious factoís such as inteívals between
    tíansactions, theií location, value, and moíe.
    lhe technology can help pinpoint whetheí the
    tíansaction is a legitimate one oí a fíaud.
  • E-Payments
  • Aítificial Intelligence can help safeguaíd youí
    payments by using facial and speech íecognition,
    allowing only authoíized payments to go thíough.
    Aleíting foí vaíious payments such as bills,
    loans, tíansfeís can also be managed by AI.
  • Mobile Banking
  • By using Aítificial Intelligence in daily life,
    banks have gone entiíely digital. Opening a bank
    account has neveí been easieí, thanks to the
    papeíless píocess. lhey now píovide peísonalized
    mobile banking expeíiences to theií customeís
    with special offeís on theií seívices.

How Artificial Intelligence Improves Home
Read ouí blog to know AI Adoption in Finance
Aítificial Intelligence and Its Gíowing Impacts
on Finance Sectoí
Home Secuíity Foí the best tech in home secuíity,
many homeowneís look towaíd AI-integíated
cameías and alaím systems. lhese cutting-edge
systems use facial íecognition softwaíe and
machine leaíning to build a catalog of youí
homes fíequent visitoís, allowing these systems
to detect uninvited guests in an instant.
Smaít Homes AI-poweíed smaít homes also píovide
many otheí valuable featuíes, like tíacking when
you last walked the dog oí notifying you when
youí kids come home fíom school. lhe newest
systems can even call foí emeígency seívices
autonomously, making it an attíactive
alteínative to subscíiption-based seívices that
píovide similaí benefits.
Other Examples of Artificial Intelligence Use
AI is set to tíansfoím píactically all aspects of
life and the economy. Heíe aíe just a few
examples Manufactuíing AI can help Euíopean
manufactuíeís become moíe efficient and bíing
factoíies back to Euíope by using íobots in
manufactuíing, optimizing sales paths, oí by
on-time píedicting of maintenance and bíeakdowns
in smaít factoíies. Robots in manufactuíing,
optimizing sales paths, oí on-time píediction of
maintenance and bíeakdowns can help manufactuíeís
become moíe efficient and bíing factoíies back
to technology. Aítificial Intelligence against
Covid-19 When it comes to the Covid-19,
aítificial intelligence has been used foí theímal
imaging at aiípoíts and otheí places.
Computeíized tomogíaphy lung scans can be used
to detect infections. In addition, it has been
used to collect data to tíack the diseases
spíead. Health With the help of aítificial
intelligence, íeseaícheís aíe investigating how
to analyze vast amounts of health data and
identify tíends that might lead to discoveíies in
medicine and methods to impíove health caíe foí
all individuals. Read heíe to know lhe Rise of
AI lechnology líends in Healthcaíe líanspoít AI
might incíease tíaffic safety, speed, and
efficiency by íeducing íail wheel fíiction,
incíeasing speed, and enabling autonomous
díiving. Ïood and Ïaíming AI can be used in
cíeating a sustainable food system it can ensuíe
healthieí food by minimizing the use of
feítilizeís, pesticides, and iííigation, help
píoductivity and
íeduce the enviíonmental impact. Robots could
íemove weeds, loweíing the use of heíbicides,
foí example. Public Administíation and
Seívices AI might give eaíly waínings of natuíal
disasteís and enable effective planning and
mitigation of consequences by using vaíious data
and patteín íecognition. Wrapping-up Many AI
softwaíe development companies aíe building
betteí AI solutions to help us íefine ouí
píocesses and get high output. Some people feaí
that AI will take oveí the jobs of many people.
Howeveí, the implementation of AI seems
beneficial and, to a ceítain extent, eliminates
the maígin foí human eííoís. Only the futuíe will
tell us how the use of AI would tíansfoím ouí
lives. Dash Technologies for Enterprise
Leaders AI capabilities descíibed in this
aíticle have a wide íange of use-cases in
business. Ouí expeítise at Dash helps business
leadeís to undeístand wheíe AI fits in theií
oíganizations. Foí moíe infoímation on AI
capabilities such as machine vision, chatbots,
and píedictive analytics, dont hesitate to get
in touch with us.
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