Title: Explain The Complete Pranayama Sequence, How To Do
1Explain The Complete Pranayama Sequence, How To Do
A proper pranayama sequence ensures deep and
harmonious results while getting it wrong can
have adverse effects. The correct sequence of
pranayama is accessible to all levels of
practitioner, although different pranayama has
different effects.
A complete pranayama sequence takes around 45
minutes and can be increased up to hours. To
start a perfect pranayama sequence chooses the
morning time.
A Pranayama Sequence for Daily Practice
To incorporate pranayama into your yoga routine,
specific pranayama should be performed in the
correct sequence so that you can get the most out
of it. Pranayama after asana Pranayama should
be practiced after Yogasana before moving on to
the correct sequence of Pranayama.
2- Asanas support pranayama, although this does not
mean that one should complete yoga asanas before
starting pranayama. This means that when you
combine the methods of yoga pranayama, yoga
asanas should come first. - To do pranayama choose a calm and quiet place and
used the mat for sitting should be a bad
conductor of electricity. - After this select a comfortable pose to practice
pranayamas such as Sukhasana, Siddhasana, or
Vajrasana. After settling on an asana choice
select the mudra of your choice such as Gyan
mudra, Vayu mudra, Varun Mudra, or Apana Mudra. - After settling down with the asana and hasta
mudra be ready to follow the pranayama sequence. - Bhastrika Pranayama
- In Bhastrika Pranayama, the speed of breath
becomes faster like a bellows. That is, in this
process, the act of taking a breath quickly is
called Bhastrika Pranayama. - In the first step, you have to sit in Padmasan or
Sukhasan and keep the body stable by keeping
your waist, neck, back, and spine straight. - In the second step, without moving the body,
inhale through both nostrils while - making a sound and exhale while making a sound.
Again taking the sound at a fast pace, inhale
and exhale. This action is called Bhastrika
Pranayama. - The pranayama practitioner has to close his eyes
by keeping both his hands on the knees in Gyan
Mudra. Remember, our rhythm should not break
while inhaling and exhaling. - Kapal Bhati Pranayama
3- While exhaling, pull your stomach inward. The
stretch should be in such a way that it touches
your spine. But do it as smoothly as possible in
the initial stages. - When you relax your abdominal muscles, the breath
automatically reaches your lungs. - Exhale 20 times to complete one round of
Kapalbhati Pranayama. - Bahaya Pranayama
- Take a deep breath and exhale completely from the
lungs, and abdomen, while simultaneously
contracting the anus (moola bandha) and pulling
the abdomen inward towards the ribs (uddiyana
bandha). - Now hold your breath and touch your chin to the
chest (Jalandhara Bandha). - Hold all these bandhas for as long as you feel
comfortable and then release them all with a
deep breath. - Relax and repeat the process 3-4 times.
- Anulom Vilom Pranayama
- To practice, close your eyes, keep the waist and
spine straight and keep the hands on the knees
i.e. sit in any Sukhasan, Padmasan, or meditation
posture, etc. - Leave the body completely loose, and take a deep
breath once. - Now close the right nostril and take a long
breath from the left, then close the left and
exhale long from the right. Now take a long
breath from the right and exhale from the left. - Repeat this process for 10-15 minutes.
- Bharamari Pranayama
4- Keeping the mouth closed, chant Om while
exhaling, which will produce the sound hmmmmmmm. - Udgeeth Pranayama
- Sitting comfortably, take a long deep breath at a
normal pace and exhale at a normal pace with the
pronunciation of Om. In the pronunciation of 'O',
three times more time should be spent on the
pronunciation of 'M'. - Pranav Pranayama / Meditaton
- While inhaling, focus on an imaginary picture of
the Om symbol in your inner ear, between
the centres of the eyebrows.
Visualize the image of this Om symbol being
illuminated with the long breathing movement.
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