Title: Through Hole PCB Assembly Services by Suntronic
1Through Hole PCB As embly Services
2About Through Hole Assembly
Through-hole assembly is a method of printed
circuit board (PCB) assembly in which all
connections are made through the holes in the
circuit board. For many years, through-hole
assembly has been one of the widely used methods
of producing PCBAs. Even though there are
several other new and updated assembly techniques
available today, through-hole PCB assembly is
simple, reliable, and cost-effective.
3Through-Hole PCB Assembly Services
Suntronic provides the best quality Through-Hole
PCB Assembly services. We are serving clients
from different industrial sectors and they are
extremely satisfied with our services. Through-ho
le assembly is still irreplaceable in some
applications, such as electrolytic capacitors,
connectors, and large transformers. Our PCB
assembly services include both automated and
manual techniques, where the latter is mostly
employed for complex assemblies.
4Through-Hole PCB Assembly Capabilities
- The following capabilities have been developed
over several years and allow us to better serve
our customers - Through-Hole Assembly is provided for single,
double-sided, and high-density multilayer
boards. - Cutting-edge automated insertion equipment for axi
al and radial component placement. - We use automated wave soldering equipment to
solder the Through Hole Components.
5Through-Hole PCB Assembly Process
The following are the steps involved in
through-hole assembly The first step is to
mount each component on a separate surface mount
PCB (SMPCB). The SMPCB then goes into a
pick-and-place machine, which moves along a
conveyor belt. The machine then picks up the
components from the SMPCB and places them on
circuit board, which was drilled as per the
design requirement. Then the components are
soldered to the board. Lastly, the circuit board
is cleaned and tested before being wrapped up
and sent to its destination.
6Testing Through-Hole Assembly
Our comprehensive Through-Hole Testing capabilitie
s allow us maintain quality and affordability.
Below are some testing protocols In-circuit
testing Automated optical inspection (AOI)
Automated X-ray inspection Solder Paste
7Application of Through Hole PCB
8Features of the Through-Hole Assembly
Highly Reliable Easy for manual operation Higher
durability Lower manufacturing efficiency
Limited PCB design
9Benefits of the Through-Hole Assembly
Several benefits of through-hole PCB assembly
include Easy to assemble and have a higher
yield rate. The assembly process is
straightforward and simple to perform. It
guarantees higher density, wider choices of
components, better electrical performance and
better design capability. This assembly process g
uarantees stronger bonds between the circuit and
its components THT assembled boards own high
heat tolerance
10Contact Suntronic Inc -
Feel free to contact us today with your typical th
rough-hole PCB assembly requirements. We would
be happy to help you.
Website - www.suntronicinc.com Email -
info_at_suntronicinc.com Phone - (281)
879-9562 https//www.facebook.com/Suntronic.Incorp
orated/ https//twitter.com/SuntronicI