Title: Welcome to Core Documents, Inc.
1Welcome To Core Documents, Inc.
2About Us
Core Documents has been providing free plan
design consulting, as well as cost-effective,
IRS- compliant plan documents to thousands of
satisfied agents and employer groups nationwide.
We sell documents and annual document
maintenance, as well as state-of-the-art
web-based administration services, and
Do-It-Yourself Excel administration software.
3The Cares act employee student loans allow
employers to pay up to
Cares Act Employee Student Loans
5,250 toward student loans on behalf of
employees and the employees would not owe US
federal income taxes on the payments. That could
make a significant dent in a borrower's total
debt load. To know more about our services,
consider visiting our official website.
Contact Information
Website www.coredocuments.com Phone
Number 888-755-3373