Title: Mauricio Celis - A Military Veteran
1Mauricio Celis
A Military Veteran
2A Licensed Practicing Attorney
Mauricio Celis is a licensed practicing attorney
who is fluent in both English and Spanish. He
holds his law degree from Universidad
Regiomontana in Monterey, Mexico and continued
his studies at Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo
León, Dedman School of Law at Southern Methodist
University, and McCombs School of Business at
the University of Texas at Austin.
3Mr. Celis practices law in both the United
States and Mexico, representing both English and
Spanish-speaking families. He attended the
McCombs School of Business at the University of
Texas at Austin where he received his Master of
Science in Technology Commercialization. Attende
d The McCombs School Of Business
4A Legal Investigator
Mauricio Celis was invited to lecture as a
visiting law professor teaching constitutional
and comparative law from Universidad Autonoma de
Nuevo Leon in 2015. In his early career, he
served as a legal investigator before becoming
licensed as a practicing attorney in both the
United States and Mexico.
5Mr. Celis is a dual citizen of Mexico and the
United States, and is licensed to practice law
in both countries. He holds various degrees in
law including Master of Constitutional
Procedural Law and Master of International and
Comparative Law.
A Dual Citizen Of Mexico
6Mauricio Celis is a lawyer practicing in both
Mexico and the United States. He is bilingual
and holds dual citizenship in both countries. His
goal is to provide legal representation to
families on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.
A veteran of the U.S. Navy, Mr. Celis conducts
himself with integrity and professionalism,
seeking to serve his clients in both Texas and
Mexico. He is a founding partner of MM
Consultores Juridicos, S.A. de C.V. as well as
other firms in both the United States and Mexico.
A Lawyer Practicing
7Visit To Know More-
h ttps//issuu.com/mauriciocel
is_ h ttps//medium.com/_at_mauric
iocelis_ h ttps//muckrack.com/maurici o-celis-
h ttps//dribbble.com/maurici ocelis/about
8Mauricio Celis