Title: High Temperature Bearings - Improving Function Of Industrial Machines
1High Temperature Bearings - Improving Function Of
Industrial Machines
There are many industrial processes that require
machinery to operate under extreme temperatures,
especially the hot end of the spectrum. This is
where high temperature bearings come in. They
allow these machines to withstand phenomenal
levels of heat. Here is a closer look at these
2How high is high?
- When you think of high temperature bearings you
will probably think somewhere along the line of
several hundred degrees, but in actual fact these
components can work under temperatures of around
one thousand degrees Fahrenheit. Most heavy duty
bearings can perform at these temperatures, but
many of them are comfortable at a temperature of
750 degrees. The lightweight bearings are
designed more with air conditions in mind so they
will be able to cope.
3Their purpose
- High temperature bearings are designed to
function in many different types of industrial
machines. This specifically includes those
machines working with heat sources or flames
regularly, such as kilns and large furnaces. In
essence, any machine that generates a high level
of heat in a variety of forms is able to easily
deal with it because of these specialized
bearings. This means that there is reduced risk
of damage to both the machine and the bearings,
and as a result you won't have to replace them as
4Specialty areas
- There are some areas of manufacture where the
risk is so great that lubricants like oil cannot
be used. This means that a very heavy duty
temperature bearing is required. These are
designed and distributed for those processes
where lubrication is virtually impossible. Many
mid range high temperature bearings require some
form of lubrication in order to assist
performance. The heavy duty variety, on the other
hand, does not require lubrication in order to
perform optimally, and instead provide you with
remarkable form and function that will stand you
in good stead.
5Contact Us
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