Title: Design Coordination
1Design Coordination
Design Coordination is the most important aspect
of a Building Design as models from multiple
users from various software packages have to be
coordinated in real-time and checked for clashes
and issues. CloudBLM allows users to coordinate
various project models using the Model Viewer,
create coordination sets and run clashes with
them directly in Navisworks CloudBLM.
2The said clashes from Navisworks CloudBLM clash
Introduction engine can also be posted back to
the application as issues and tracked. The
federated model can then be used for further
Project Management and exported as an IFC for
sharing with other BIM collaborators.
3Navisworks Integration
Federated 3D Model Viewer
Cloud-Based Model Coordination
Built In Clash Detection
4Navisworks Integration
Models assembled within CloudBLM projects can be
directly loaded into Navisworks for clash
detection and further linked with the web
application. Identified clashes are streamlined
and converted as potential issues within the
Using CloudBLM Clash Finder, easily publish
clashes from Navisworks and create real-time
Issues/RFI from them.
5Federated 3D Model Viewer
A truly coordinated 3D viewing experience of
models resourced from various design software.
Split layouts allow for dynamic navigation in
the model, giving users better insight into the
model. Dimensions of any element or between
elements can be measured whenever necessary.
6A unified design review and coordination
platform which enable project team to work
Integration of models can be performed without
using any CAD tools. Published projects can be
federated clash detection can be handled, and
the results can be shared with all necessary
Cloud-Based Model Coordination
Issues, RFIs, and Assets can be retrieved a any
given time
7With the CloudBLM Clash Engine, a server- based
clash detection, users can run Hard Clearance
clashes with a set tolerance between models.
Clashes can be categorized by identity and
pattern, which enables the users to better
respond to them.
Built In Clash Detection
Phone 13322556223
Get in touch!
reach us at www.cloudblm.com