Title: Online Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
2Online therapy for Anxiety and depression
Generally speaking, we all have a lot going on in
our busy, 21st Century lives. I know for me
personally, two of my main stressors are work and
maintaining relationships because they are
non-negotiable priorities for me. But there are
also plenty of other seemingly micro stressors
that add to the weight of it all. Things like
worrying about finances, managing social
pressure, trying not to over-exercise or stress
about eating the right foods are just a few
other examples that jump to mind. To make it that
extra bit more challenging, our ability to cope
with these stressors is heavily impacted by where
we are in our hormonal cycle (for women), whether
or not we are in a good space with friends and
family, or even what we have recently put into
our bodies in terms of food and drinks. But
this kind of stress is all mostly normal. While
stress can oftentimes build up and feel totally
overwhelming, we are always able to cope and see
a faint light at the end of the tunnel. But the
same cannot always be said for those who are
experiencing chronic anxiety.
3Stress vs. Anxiety
Both stress and anxiety are emotional responses,
but stress is most often caused by external
triggers. These could be short-term triggers such
as an upcoming work deadline or an argument with
a loved one, or more long-term triggers such as
living with a disability or experiencing
discrimination. Anxiety, on the other hand, is
defined by the American Psychological Association
(APA) as persistent, excessive worries that
dont go away even in the absence of a stressor.
Stress and anxiety share very similar symptoms
4Stress vs. Anxiety
6Set Yourself Up For Success
- Below is an example of a 30-minute morning
routine that has proven highly successful - Set alarm 30-minutes earlier
- Wake up and drink a glass of water you have left
ready next to bed - Breathe deeply for 5 repetitions, inhaling and
exhaling slowly - Read several pages from the book next to your bed
- Write down 3 5 things you are grateful for in
the journal next to your bed - Perform 5 10 minutes of meditation to set your
mind up for the day - Get out of bed and do a short set of exercises
i.e. 10 x push-ups, 10 x sit-ups, 10 x squats and
repeat 3 times to get your body ready for the day - From there you may continue with your day as
usual. All it takes is a bit of discipline, and
your routines will naturally turn into habits
that will set you up for success.
7Treat yourself to good nutrition
- Consider making the following feel good foods
part of your anti-anxiety diet - Foods rich in magnesium such as leafy greens,
legumes, nuts, seeds, and avocados - Foods rich in zinc such as oysters, cashews,
liver, beef, and egg yolks - Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids such as
fatty fish - Probiotic-rich foods such as pickles, sauerkraut,
and kefir - Foods rich in B vitamins such as avocado and
almonds - Prioritize sleep
8Treat yourself to good nutrition
- Avoid caffeine past 12pm
- Have your last meal roughly one hour before bed
- Limit exposure to blue light one hour before bed
(no laptop, TV, or phone) - Have a relaxing bath or shower before bed
- Drink a glass of water or non-caffeinated herbal
tea in bed - Read, meditate, journal or talk to your partner
once in bed
9Anxiety Disorder Counselling Depression
No matter the severity of anxiety you may be
experiencing, or whether or not you feel you have
a right to feel depressed, it is important to
know that these feelings are not something you
have to simply accept and live with.
Counselling for depression and anxiety is a
highly effective tool that doesnt only deal with
the symptoms of anxiety or depression. It also
uncovers the root causes of these disorders. For
those struggling with anxiety, anxiety
counselling will teach you how to relax, help you
to look at situations in new, less frightening
ways, and give you the tools to develop better
problem-solving skills and healthier coping
mechanisms. Similarly, depression counselling can
help you to identify, address and manage
negative, self-defeating thoughts that may affect
the way you behave. Finding the right therapist
for depression and anxiety can be difficult, but
the hard-to-face reality is that your worries may
not go away on their own. In fact, they have the
potential to get worse over time if you dont
seek help. For many people struggling with
their mental health, online therapy can be just
as effective as traditional, in-person therapy.
10Online Therapy For Anxiety And Depression
The idea of online counselling for anxiety and
depression can feel overwhelming. Its natural to
want to first connect in-person with the
therapist with whom you will be sharing your most
vulnerable thoughts and feelings. And then, once
trust has been established, possibly move into an
online space further down the line. But the one
positive takeaway from the Covid pandemic is that
the need for connection, in a time where social
distancing has become the norm, has forced highly
reputable counsellors and psychotherapists to
provide an online option and make their services
more accessible to the masses. Online therapy for
anxiety and depression can help you avoid the
expense and inconvenience of having to meet
in-person, and being in a comfortable environment
can make it easier to talk more openly about your
11Contact Info
- 226-336-5787
- 877-631-0126
- Hello_at_cocapsychotherapy.com
12Thank You