Title: 5 symptoms of early failed pregnancy
VAGINAL SPOTTING Light bleeding in early
pregnancy is common and it is usually not
harmful. However, excessive fluid passing
through the vagina can put a negative impact on
the pregnancy and could be a sign of a failed
PAIN IN THE LOWER BACK Pain in the lower back
during early and late pregnancy is common. There
is no need to get worried about normal back pain
but severe back pain is something you need to
get checked by the gynecologist.
WEAKNESS Feeling tired and exhausted during
pregnancy is pretty normal, especially in the
first 14 weeks. It is mostly caused by changes
in hormones. However, if you are weak and tired
all the time, it could be a sign of failed
WEIGHT LOSS There is no clear evidence to say
that weight loss is the symptom of an early
failed pregnancy. Still, eating less could mean
that the body doesnt require minerals and
vitamins for the developing baby.
DIZZINESS Dizziness is normal during early
pregnancy and is sometimes triggered by
medications but more of it could be a signal of
underlying problems. Consult your doctor if you
are feeling dizzy all the time even after a
change in medications.
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