Title: Recurrent Miscarriage Guidelines
1Recurrent MiscarriageGuidelines
- Dr Muhammad El Hennawy
- Ob/gyn specialist
- Rass el barr central hospital and
- dumyat specialised hospital
- Dumyatt EGYPT
- www.geocities.com/mmhennawy
- A recurrent miscarriage is 3 or more
consecutive, spontaneous pregnancy losses, under
20 week gestation from the last menstrual period
, by the same partner.
3- Primary recurrent pregnancy loss" refers to
couples that have never had a live birth, - while "secondary RPL" refers to those who have
had repetitive losses following a successful
4- a woman who had a miscarriage,instead of getting
sympathy and support, is made to feel that it is
somehow her fault - It is all too common to find recurrent
miscarriges leading to divorce
- The medical term 'spontaneous abortion' should be
replaced with the term 'miscarriage' - Other names recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL),
- habitual abortions ,
- habitual miscarriages,
- recurrent abortions ,
- recurrent miscarriages.
- 1015 of all clinically recognised pregnancies
end in a miscarriage - the theoretical risk of three consecutive
pregnancy losses that expected by chance alone is
0.34. - This incidence is greater than that expected by
chance alone---Recurrent miscarriage affects 1
of all women ---Hence, only a proportion of women
presenting with recurrent miscarriage will have a
persistent underlying cause for their pregnancy
7Risk factors
- Advanced maternal age
- adversely affects ovarian function, giving
rise to a decline in the number of good quality
oocytes, resulting in chromosomally abnormal
conceptions that rarely develop further. - . previous number of miscarriages
8possible causes
- Recurrent miscarriage is a heterogeneous
condition that has many possible causes more
than one contributory factor may underlie the
recurrent pregnancy losses. - each may have had a different cause.
9Recurent Miscarriage
Genetic factors
Infective agents
Enviromental factors
Anatomical factors
Immune factors
Inhereted Thrombophilic defect
Bacterial Vaginosis
Uterine anomalies
Paternal karyotyping
Cytogenetic Of miscarriage
10Investigations and treatmentsRecent information
indicates that women should look into RPL testing
after two losses when it used to be common to
wait until three. This is especially important
for women in their 30s and 40s
11Diagnosis and investigation
- EPAUs should use and develop diagnostic and
therapeutic algorithms of care. - In particular, these should include management
of 'suspected ectopic pregnancy' (including serum
hCG) and the 'indeterminate' ultrasound scan. - EPAUs should have access to transvaginal
ultrasound with staff appropriately trained in
its use. - Non-sensitised rhesus (Rh) negative women should
receive anti-D immunoglobulin in the following
situations ectopic pregnancy, all miscarriages
over 12 weeks (including threatened), all
miscarriages where the uterus is evacuated, and
for threatened miscarriages under 12 weeks when
bleeding is heavy or associated with pain.
12Genetic factors
13- All couples with a history of recurrent
miscarriage should have peripheral blood
karyotyping performed. The finding of an abnormal
parental karyotype should prompt referral to a
clinical geneticist. - 35 of couples with recurrent miscarriage, one
of the partners carries a balanced structural
chromosomal anomaly - 510 chance of a pregnancy with an unbalanced
14- In all couples with a history of recurrent
miscarriage cytogenetic analysis of the products
of conception should be performed if the next
pregnancy fails. - an abnormal embryo, which is incompatible with
life, e.g. chromosomal abnormalities or
structural malformations. - If the karyotype of the miscarried pregnancy is
abnormal, there is a better prognosis in the next
pregnancy - Cytogenetic testing is an expensive tool and
should be reserved for patients who have
undergone treatment in the index pregnancy or
have been participants in a research trial
15Fetal chromosomal abnormalities
- This may be due to abnormalities in the egg,
sperm or both. The most common chromosomal
defects are - Trisomy
- Monosomy
- Polyploidy
16- Chromosome Testing on Fetal (Miscarriage) Tissue
- This can only be done right at the time of
miscarriage. - It is an analysis of the genetic makeup of the
fetus. - It can indicate genetic problems that lead to
RPL. - Many miscarriages are caused by chromosomal
abnormalities that are unlikely to repeat. To
know if the problem is likely to recur, it is
necessary to study the genetics of both parents
as well. - Karyotyping of Parents
- each Chromosome analysis of blood of both
parents. - It can show if there is a potential problem with
one of the parents that leads to miscarriage, but
often has to be done in conjunction with fetal
testing to provide answers. - These tests help rule out the 3 or so of
partners that carry a "hidden" chromosomal
problem called a balanced translocation.
- It is A display of an individuals chromosome
pairs. - Process Sample of cells is taken, usually blood
cells. - Cells are chemically stimulated to undergo
mitosis. Mitosis is stopped at metaphase. - Chromosomes are separated out,
- viewed with a microscope
- and photographed.
- The photograph is then rearranged to show the
paired chromosomes. Size, shape and banding
pattern are used to pair up the chromosomes.
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19Anatomical factors
- One in six to ten women with recurrent
miscarriages has a structural defect like uterine
septum or adhesions
- Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
- two dimensional pelvic ultrasound with (or
without) Sonohysterography - 3D Ultrasound
- Laparoscopy
- Hysteroscopy
21- The reported prevalence of uterine anomalies in
recurrent miscarriage populations range between
1.8 and 37.6. - The prevalence of uterine malformations appears
to be higher in women with late miscarriages
compared with women who suffer early miscarriages
but this may be related to the cervical weakness
that is frequently associated with uterine
malformation. - untreated uterine anomalies has a term delivery
rate of only 50. - Open uterine surgery is associated with
postoperative infertility and carries a
significant risk of uterine scar rupture during
pregnancy. These complications are less likely to
occur after hysteroscopic surgery but no
randomised trial assessing the benefits of
surgical correction of uterine abnormalities on
pregnancy outcome has been performed.
22Congenital anomalies
- an abnormal or irregularly shaped uterus.
- Sometimes the uterus has an extra wall down its
centre, which makes it look as if it is divided
into - two (bicornuate or septate uterus)
- a septate uterus Where as a partial septum
increases the risk to 60-75 a total septum
carries a risk for loss of up to 90. - Today a relatively simple surgical procedure
can remove a uterine septum - or it may have only developed one half
(unicornuate uterus). - It is not clear if such problems cause recurrent
23 fibroids
- If fibroids are detected on the inside of the
uterus (termed submucous fibroids) and distort
the uterine lining, they are a significant cause
of reproductive problems and should be removed.
It is less clear whether fibroids in the wall of
the uterus cause reproductive problems
24scar tissue in the uterus
- scar tissue in the uterus which may hinder
implantation or growth of the fetus.
- The routine use of hysterosalpingography as a
screening test for uterine anomalies in women
with recurrent miscarriage is questionable. - It is associated with patient discomfort,
- carries a risk of pelvic infection and radiation
exposure - and is no more sensitive than the non-invasive
two dimensional pelvic ultrasound assessment of
the uterine cavity with (or without)
Sonohysterography when performed by skilled and
experienced personnel.
- Hysterosonography provides a sensitive and
specific screening tool for evaluating the
uterine cavity and it could be an accurate
alternative to HSG in screening for uterine
- It is sometimes possible to see abnormalities
inside the uterus at the time of a scan,
especially a - vaginal scan. A scan will also enable the ovaries
to be examined at the same time. Occasionally - polycystic ovaries are diagnosed by ultrasound
scan (see above). - Some units will offer a scan and an examination
of the inside of the uterus at the same time -
saline - installation sonography (SIS). A small plastic
tube is passed through the cervix and a
water-like - solution injected through it. The scan can
determine whether there is any abnormality inside
the - uterus.
28All women with recurrent miscarriage should have
a pelvic ultrasound to assess uterine anatomy and
- Two dimensional pelvic ultrasound assessment of
the uterine cavity with (or without)
29three-dimensional ultrasound
- The diagnostic value of three-dimensional
ultrasound has been explored and appears
promising. - Since three-dimensional ultrasound offer both
diagnosis and classification of uterine
malformation its use may obviate the need for
diagnostic hysteroscopy and laparoscopy.
- This investigation, performed under general
anaesthetic, examines the inside of the uterus
with a thin - telescope (3-5 mm in diameter) . By inserting
this telescope through the cervix and into the
uterus, - the doctor can see the shape of the uterus and
examine its lining.
31Cervical weakness
32- Cervical cerclage is associated with potential
hazards related to the surgery and the risk of
stimulating uterine contractions and hence should
only be considered in women who are likely to
benefit. - Cervical weakness is often over-diagnosed as a
cause of mid-trimester miscarriage. - The diagnosis is usually based on a history of
late miscarriage, preceded by spontaneous rupture
of membranes or painless cervical dilatation. - Transvaginal ultrasound assessment of the
cervix during pregnancy may be useful in
predicting preterm birth in some cases of
suspected cervical weakness - Transabdominal cerclage has been advocated as a
treatment for second-trimester miscarriage and
the prevention of early preterm labour in
selected women with previous failed transvaginal
cerclage and/or a very short and scarred cervix
33Endocrine factors
34Routine screening for occult diabetes and thyroid
disease with oral glucose tolerance and thyroid
function tests in asymptomatic women presenting
with recurrent miscarriage is uninformative
- well-controlled diabetes mellitus is not a risk
factor for recurrent miscarriage, nor is treated
thyroid dysfunction
35There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the
effect of progesterone supplementation in
pregnancy to prevent a miscarriage
- hormonal treatments for luteal phase deficiency
concluded that the benefits are uncertain the low
progesterone levels that have been reported in
early pregnancy loss may reflect a pregnancy that
has already failed. Exogenous progesterone
supplementation should only be used in the
context of randomised controlled trials. - Progesterone doesn't prevent miscarriages.
Miscarriages happen for many reasons, - but lack of progesterone as a cause for
miscarriage is not proven. The low progesterone
levels found in pregnancies which go on to become
miscarriages is a sign that the pregnancy is
already failing
36There is insufficient evidence to evaluate the
effect of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) in
pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.
- early pregnancy hCG supplementation failed to
show any benefit in pregnancy outcome
37Prepregnancy suppression of high luteinising
hormone (LH) concentration among ovulatory women
with recurrent miscarriage and polycystic ovaries
who hypersecrete LH does not improve the live
birth rate
- the outcome of pregnancy without pituitary
suppression is similar to that of patients
without raised LH.
38Polycystic ovary morphology itself does not
predict an increased risk of future pregnancy
loss among ovulatory women with a history of
recurrent miscarriage who conceive spontaneously.
- pelvic ultrasound criteria, is significantly
higher among women with recurrent miscarriage
(41) when compared with the general population
(22). - However, despite this high prevalence,
polycystic ovary morphology itself does not
predict an increased risk of future pregnancy
loss among ovulatory women with a history of
recurrent miscarriage who conceive spontaneously.
39There is insufficient evidence to assess the
effect of hyperprolactinaemia as a risk factor
for recurrent miscarriage.
40Immune factors
- One in ten women with recurrent miscarriages show
evidence of auto immune factors on investigation - As much as 40 percent of unexplained infertility
may be the result of immune problems, as are as
many as 80 percent of "unexplained" pregnancy
losses. Unfortunately for couples with
immunological problems, their chances of
recurrent loss increase with each successive
41Antithyroid antibodies
- Routine screening for thyroid antibodies in women
with recurrent miscarriage is not recommended.
42Antiphospholipid syndrome
- To diagnose APS it is mandatory that the patient
should have two positive tests at least six weeks
apart for either lupus anticoagulant or
anticardiolipin (aCL) antibodies of IgG and/or
IgM class present in medium or high titre. - Adverse pregnancy outcomes include
- (a) three or more consecutive miscarriages before
ten weeks of gestation, - (b) one or more morphologically normal fetal
deaths after the tenth week of gestation and - (c) one or more preterm births before the 34th
week of gestation due to severe pre-eclampsia,
eclampsia or placental insufficiency.
43- Currently there is no reliable evidence to show
that steroids improve the live birth rate of
women with recurrent miscarriage associated with
aPL when compared with other treatment
modalities their use may provoke significant
maternal and fetal morbidity. - In women with a history of recurrent miscarriage
and aPL, future live birth rate is significantly
improved when a combination therapy of aspirin
plus heparin is prescribed. - Pregnancies associated with aPL treated with
aspirin and heparin remain at high risk of
complications during all three trimesters.
44Alloimmune factors
- Immunotherapy, including paternal cell
immunisation, third-party donor leucocytes,
trophoblast membranes and intravenous
immunoglobulin (IVIG), in women with previous
unexplained recurrent miscarriage does not
improve the live birth rate
45Infective agents
46- TORCH (toxoplasmosis rubella, cytomegalovirus and
herpes simplex virus), other congenital syphilis
and viruses, screening is unhelpful in the
investigation of recurrent miscarriage. - For an infective agent to be implicated in the
aetiology of repeated pregnancy loss, it must be
capable of persisting in the genital tract and
avoiding detection or must cause insufficient
symptoms to disturb the women. Toxoplasmosis,
rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes and listeria
infections do not fulfil these criteria and
routine TORCH screening should be abandone
47- Screening for and treatment of bacterial
vaginosis in early pregnancy among high risk
women with a previous history of second-trimester
miscarriage or spontaneous preterm labour may
reduce the risk of recurrent late loss and
preterm birth.
48Group B Streptococcus
- Pre and Post-conceptional, broad-spectrum
intravenous antibiotic therapy was used in
patients with multiple miscarriages - Although this is a relatively small series and
does not establish a cause and effect
relationship between Group B Streptococcus and
habitual abortions, the beneficial effects of
antibiotic therapy is unquestionable
49Inherited thrombophilic defects
50- Inherited thrombophilic defects,
- including activated protein C resistance (most
commonly due to factor V Leiden gene mutation),
deficiencies of protein C/S and antithrombin III,
hyperhomocysteinaemia and prothrombin gene
mutation, - are established causes of systemic thrombosis
51Environmental factors
52- Exposture to noxious or toxic substances are
known to be associated with recurrent miscarriage
( social drugs, cigarretes,alcohol and caffeine
,anaestetic gases,petrolium products )
53Unexplained recurrent miscarriage
- In about half the women in the research studies,
no cause could be found, so no specific treatment
could be given. - However, this group responded very well to a
programme which removed as many stress factors as
possible from their lives, resulting in an 80
success rate with the subsequent pregnancy
54Women with unexplained recurrent miscarriage have
an excellent prognosis for future pregnancy
outcome without pharmacological intervention if
offered supportive care alone in the setting of a
dedicated early pregnancy assessment unit. After
all these investigations 50 of recurrent
aborters will be found to have no abnormalities
and these should be attributed to chromosomal
defect in the conceptus.
55According to the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists
- cultures for bacteria and viruses
- glucose tolerance testing
- thyroid tests
- antibodies to infectious agents
- antithyroid antibodies
- paternal human leukocyte antigen status, or
maternal antiparental antibodies - are not beneficial and, therefore,
- are not recommended in the evaluation of
otherwise normal women with recurrent pregnancy
56Things unlikely to cause recurrent miscarriage
- Retroversion - or backward tilting of the uterus.
- Infection - such as toxoplasmosis, listeria,
brucella, chlamydia, herpes simplex and
cytomegalovirus. - Endocrine or metabolic disease - hypothyroidism
(underactive thyroid), diabetes mellitus, Crohn's
disease, sickle cell or endometriosis. - Occupational exposures - very little reliable
evidence exists for things such as herbicide
spraying, electromagnetic fields, chemical
inhalation, anaesthetic gases or VDU usage. - Not resting enough - bedrest doesn't alter
whether you miscarry or not. Nor does working
when you're pregnant, exercise, making love or
57(No Transcript)
- Miscarriages, like infertility, is a problem of a
couple and they should be seen together. The
majority can be reassuared. - most cases, neither a woman nor her doctor can do
anything to prevent a miscarriage
59Controversies surrounding treatment for pregnancy
- Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has not succeeded
in giving patients and physicians the data they
need to choose (or not choose) a therapy in the
field of pregnancy loss
60If any of the above tests should come back
indicating an underlying reason for the problem
- treatment is direced at the cause
- eg genetic counselling,
- removal of fibroids,
- cervical stitch
61If all of the above have been excluded
- (as they will do in most cases), the diagnosis is
recurrent miscarriage of unknown cause - the use of empirical treatment in women with
unexplained recurrent miscarriage is unnecessary
and should be resisted - for both partners to be as healthy as possible
before she conceive (avoid drugs, alcohol,
chemicals, etc) and to get any other medical
conditions under control. - The only intervention to have demonstrated
benefit is serial ultrasound scans in the early
months of pregnancy. - It is certainly not unreasonable to expect this
psychological support to improve outcome given
the close interaction between the higher areas of
the mind and the delicately balanced hormonal
system. - Education and reassuarance with these good
statistical odds - Education about smoking, alcohol and drug abuse
is also important
62Psychological support
- The value of psychological support in improving
pregnancy outcome has not been tested in the form
of a randomised controlled trial. However, data
from several non-randomised studies8688 have
suggested that attendance at a dedicated early
pregnancy clinic has a beneficial effect,
although the mechanism is unclear - All professionals should be aware of the
psychological sequelae associated with
miscarriage and should provide support and
follow-up, as well as access to formal
counselling when necessary.
63Emprical treatment
- the use of empirical treatment in women with
unexplained recurrent miscarriage is unnecessary
and should be resisted - BUT
- Some doctors give treatment like
- Low dose asprin
- Subcutaneous hepaein
- Folic acid
- Progesterone
- Solcoseryl(increase oxygen supply)
- Nitroglycerin (increase implantation by increase
uterine blood flow) - tocolytic
64Treatment of miscarriage
- Surgical uterine evacuation for miscarriage
should be performed using suction curettage. - All at risk women undergoing surgical uterine
evacuation for miscarriage should be screened for
Chlamydia trachomatis. - Medical and expectant methods are also effective
in the management of confirmed miscarriage. - Medical and expectant management should be
offered only in units where patients have access
to 24-hour telephone advice and immediate
admission can be arranged. - Tissue obtained at the time of miscarriage should
be examined histologically to confirm pregnancy
and to exclude ectopic pregnancy or gestational
trophoblastic disease.
- A woman who has suffered a single sporadic
miscarriage has an 80 chance and a woman with
three consecutive miscarriages a 60 chance of
her next pregnancy being successful