Title: Allie Mansour - A Highly Collaborative Professional
1Allie Mansour
Project Management, Scrum, Digital Project
2(No Transcript)
3Allie Mansour is an innovative and motivated
leader who has led cross-functional teams to
achieve common visions and goals as well as
conducted training and development programs.
4Allie Mansour has a proven track record of
designing and implementing standards and best
practices that have boosted employee engagement
and competency while also increasing corporate
5Leading enterprise-wide digital transformation
projects for numerous Salesforce CRM apps,
engineering, production, logistics, maintenance,
sales, and after-sales support were among Allie
Mansour Bombardier's core duties.
6Internal delivery teams, business stakeholders,
and integration suppliers were all coordinated by
Allie Mansour. In addition, Allie Mansour
accepted an 18 million lead project manager
position for a digital transformation effort that
will keep the company's aircraft maintenance
service centres open around the country.
7Allie Mansour also has extensive experience with
SAP EWM and other strategic warehousing and
logistics optimization applications. To ensure
that the project ran well, Allie supervised the
IT, Big 4 consulting, other business teams, and
local and offshore resources.
8Allie Mansour oversaw the company's regulatory
compliance operations, which included
safeguarding the safety of over 1400 Salesforce
9To know more about him visit his official
website https//alliemansour.com/ Thank You