Title: Allie Mansour - A Highly Competent Professional
llie Mansour
Project Management, Scrum, Digital Project
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3Allie Mansour will never rest on his laurels or
become complacent. He is highly passionate about
what he does and will never stop striving to be
the best at his craft. Allie Mansour is extremely
excited about what the future holds as he embarks
on this new adventure, and has big plans for the
consulting firm.
4Whenever Allie joins a new organization, he
quickly establishes himself as the go-to partner
by demonstrating his effectiveness at project and
program delivery, including project rescue.
Bombardier, Inc. is his most important client he
helped them by managing 18M worth digital
transformation project for aircraft maintenance
as a project manager. Before owning the company,
Allie Mansour worked with several organizations.
5He was a Sr. project management consultant at TD
Bank Group from 2012 to 2016, where he managed
and instructed main activities on
multimillion-dollar complex desktop and mobile
web development projects, he also managed a
project worth of 5.6 million budget
6It is very common to hear feedback such as Allie
Mansour is one of the best PMs weve worked with
or Allie Mansour is exemplary and should serve
as the model for the PMO from project sponsors.
7While it is tempting to interpret such praise as
an indication that Allie has reached the pinnacle
among his peers, he does not look at it this way.
This is simply confirmation that Allie is doing
the best for his clients.
8To know more about him visit his official
website https//alliemansour.com/ Thank You