Title: Heidi Jarvis-Grimes - A Motivated and Organized Professional
1Heidi Jarvis-Grimes
Chief Executive Officer at Texas Partners For
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3Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is the chief executive
officer of Texas partnership for Philanthropy, a
small business owned by a female is a team of
experts that help its client companies to come up
with good leadership strategies that can help in
achieving breakthrough results and reach the
company goals.
4Heidi Jarvis-Grimes has 25 years of experience in
business development that precedes her rich
educational background. She has done M.Ed.
Administration, graduate studies from the
University of Idaho, and Studies Education Crisis
Intervention from Eastern Washington University
in 1993.
5Other than that, Heidi Jarvis-Grimes also has a
teaching certificate K-12 from the State of Idaho
and Washington in 1989. Her professional
experience is very advanced.
6Heidi Jarvis-Grimes has served as Director for
Advancement for Strategic University Initiatives,
Arts, and Letters at Idaho State University. She
was also an adjunct faculty, Director/ Corporate,
and External Relations at Washington State
7Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is quite passionate in her
profession as a business and leadership
development strategist, and her company serves
its clients the opportunity to achieve company
goals through her experience strategies.
To know more about her visit her official site