Title: Heidi Jarvis-Grimes - Hardworking and Dedicated Professional
1Heidi Jarvis-Grimes
Chief Executive Officer at Texas Partners For
2(No Transcript)
3Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is also an Adjudicator for
the Biotechnology Institute, Bio Innovation
Organization, and Johnson Johnsons BioGENEius
International Challenge. Heidi Jarvis-Grimes was
the Vice President of Business Development at
Idaho Technology Council.
4Furthermore, Heidi Jarvis-Grimes has done B.A. in
music from the University of Dayton, Ohio. She is
an orchestra conductor and clinician throughout
the nation. Her publications are with the Leblanc
Bell Quarterly Educators Viewpoint and Conn
Selmers Keynotes.
5Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is the CEO of Texas
Partnerships for Philanthropy. This female-owned
small business was created with an innovative
goal for the attainment of large-scale support to
the client companies through the expertise of
Heidis experience as a professional.
6Heidi Jarvis-Grimes has advanced experience in
terms of her leadership and business development
skills. She has been working as Director for
Advancement for Strategic University Initiatives,
Arts, and Letter at Idaho State University.
7Heidi Jarvis-Grimes is a professional expert that
has been featured as one of the Women of the Year
in Idaho Business Review. Her innovative
strategies and leadership skills are exceptional
that she applies them to her clients to bring
success to their company.
8Thank You!
- Find out more about her at her official site