Title: iokkindness
1Internet Of Kindness
- Â I
am Krrish - I was introduced to Random Act of Kindness
through my mother when I was nine years old. One
of the most important things I learned through
this journey is that it is not always necessary
to spend a lot of money to spread kindness.
Kindness lies in the smallest of activities one
does for another in their day-to-day life. - My Mom challenged me to a 21-day kindness
challenge where I had to do an act of kindness at
least once a day. I accepted the challenge
immediately, even though in the back of my mind,
I was having doubts as to whether small acts of
me would be appreciated. But I am glad I did not
back away from my challenge. At the end of the 21
days, not only did I feel happier than ever, but
I was greeted with big smiles from everyone. The
happiness from completing the challenge was a lot
less when compared to the happiness I felt when I
saw the beautiful smiles of everyone.
3 Random Acts of kindness
Donate Your Old Books ??
Gift A Plant ?? with a special note ??
4Donate food ??To Doctors Nurses
Thank you Note ?? to your Teacher
5Spend Time With Your Friends ??
Adopt A Dog ???
6Always Express Gratitude ??
Show your Kindness by Hugging Your Friends
Family Members ??
7Take Care Of Your Plants??
Donate Food ??
8(No Transcript)
9Follow My Journey
Web www.internetofkindenss.com
Share your kindness www.internetofkindness.com/kindness-story
Read My Blogs https//internetofkindness.com/blog/
YouTube https//www.youtube.com/channel/UCHa0QwBo_uT8y-xq5v4Jgag
Face book https//www.facebook.com/KrrishSOS
Instagram https//www.instagram.com/krrishsos
Twitter https//www.twitter.com/krrish_sos
10 Thank you