Title: Best Lymphatic Drainage Massage | Remedial Massage Near Me
Best Lymphatic Drainage Massage Remedial Massage
Near Me
Myofitness is a myotherapy clinic located at the
heart of Melbournes CBD near Queen Victoria
Market. Myofitness was founded by Elizabeth
Ruach, who wanted to change the normalisation of
being in pain, especially chronic pain in our
society. Elizabeth wants to empower and help
people who are constantly in pain and are
struggling to get a long-lasting solution for
their chronic pain through a patient-centred
natural treatment plan. The truth is chronic pain
has the debilitating potential to ruin quality of
life and take away the simple pleasures of life
such as an active lifestyle and a relationship
with the people around us. But pain does not have
to ruin our lives, nothing deserves to take away
our happiness.
3Remedial massage
Remedial massage is a systematic assessment and
treatment of the musculoskeletal pains, aches,
sport and postural related injuries. Remedial
massage is design to balance muscle/ soft tissue
length, normal joint mobilization/ bone position,
increase blood flow to re-establish the bodys
capacity to rebuild by enhancing nutrient
distribution to the affected area, as well as
removal of waste products via the blood and
lymphatic system. Our Remedial massage therapist
have a comprehensive knowledge and understanding
of anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology to
determine a treatment plan.
Myotherapy involves the assessment, treatment and
management of musculoskeletal conditions.
Myotherapy treatments aid with the assessment,
early intervention, prevention and treatment of
injuries. They also play a crucial role in the
ongoing management of chronic musculoskeletal
conditions that could have a detrimental impact
on ones quality of life.
4Dry Needling
Dry needling is a popular treatment technique
used to treat acute and chronic muscular
conditions. Myotherapists often use dry needling
to address lower back pain, neck pain, headaches,
muscles spasms, migraines, tennis elbow, TMJ
pain, sciatic pain and so much more. We also use
dry needling to switch off overactive muscles
that are causing pain and to switch on
underactive muscles to ensure the muscle work in
the body is balanced out. This approach is what
allows us to prevent injuries before they happen.
Hence, it is so important to get a myotherapy
check up every 2-3 months as we can address
muscles that could cause injuries before the
injury occurs.
Manual lymph drainage
Manual lymph drainage (MLD) is a form of massage
technique that helps facilitate the movement of
lymph fluid/ swollen lymph nodes around the body.
This gentle massage helps remove waste products
and toxins from the body tissue, which is
especially crucial for patients with swollen
lymph nodes and Lymphatic diseases, including but
not limited to
03 9028 4087
Get well naturally and progress through a
pain-free life.
154 Peel Street North Melbourne VIC 3051
Please dont hesitate to contact us for any
further inquiries.
Elizabeth Ruach