Title: Salesforce backup and recovery myths and truth-converted
1Salesforce Backup Recovery
Most data losses are not the result of a human
error or a mishap. Instead, the majority are
merely errors and it's hard to keep a track.
More the data in Salesforce, the greater the
risk. So, you need to backup your data daily to
avoid the risk.
Backing up Salesforce data is only necessary in
the event of a mishap!
- If you dont backup your Salesforce data, the
platform can't guarantee complete protection.
All Salesforce data is generated by you and you
are responsible for protecting it.
My data is always secure in Salesforce, as it is
a cloud platform.
- Restoration of data is important and must be
carried out correctly. - Recovering lost data from Salesforce is not
easy! - Even the Salesforce release dates can be a
source of confusion.
It is simple to restore Salesforce data as it is
restored somewhere.
All Salesforce backup and recovery tools are
different and can be weighted upon the various
factors like ease of use, technicality involved,
security and expertise.
All Salesforce data backup and recovery tools
are Same.
6Are You Ready To Go Beyond the Myths of
Salesforce Data Backup and Recovery?
Let's begin.
7If your company does not have a Salesforce
backup solution in place, you need ....
A Next Generation Salesforce Data Protection
8Archive on Cloud is a next-generation Salesforce
data backup recovery tool that enables you to
perform data backup, replication, restoration,
integration of Salesforce data all from a single
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(1) 17203160342
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Email info_at_webuters.com
Website https//www.archiveon.cloud/