Title: What Does Your Mercedes-Benz Check Engine Light Mean
1What Does Your Mercedes-Benz Check Engine Light
2Check Engine Light (CEL) or Malfunction
Indicator Lamp (MIL) is a warning sign.
3On-board diagnostic system uses this light to
tell you that get your car checked out.
4Listed below are a few reasons why your Mercedes
CEL may come on.
5Mercedes-Benz check engine light Flashing- Causes
6Failing Ignition System
7Flawed ignition system components can prompt the
ECU to turn on CEL in your car.
8If you dont address the issue on time, you might
end up damaging the engine.
9Incorrect Air-To-Fuel Ratio
10Another major reason why your CEL may come on is-
the abnormal air-to-fuel ratio.
11Ignoring this issue might adversely affect your
Mercedes fuel economy. Â
12Issues With The Exhaust System
13The exhaust system serves to remove the
byproducts of the engine operation.
14Additionally, it makes sure that your car engine
is breathing smoothly.Â
15Increased back-pressure due to a faulty exhaust
system can persuade the ECU to turn on the CEL.
16Malfunctioning Sensors And ECU
17The ECU employs an array of sensors to regulate
different aspects of the engine operation.
18If anything goes wrong with it, you may expect
your car CEL to come on.
19Failing Emission Control System
20Another major reason why your CEL may come on is-
a malfunctioning emission control system.
21If you dont fix the problem on time, your
Mercedes might fail an emission test.
22Summing Up
23Lit-up CEL in your Mercedes-Benz is essentially a
sign of trouble.
24Triggered by the onboard computer, CEL warns you
that there's something wrong with your car.
25All you have to do is to call your mechanic so
that the exact issue can be diagnosed.
motorcar services, inc.