AYURVEDA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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AYURVEDA – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: ayurveda


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  • Presenters
  • Ayesha khan
  • Erum mumtaz
  • Aqsa rashid
  • Aneeqa javed
  • Naveera Nazir
  • Aqsa tariq
  • Munaza shaukat
  • Amna shehzadi
  • Kainat rajput

  • Contents
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Principle
  • History
  • Ayurvedic medicines
  • Ayurvedic massage
  • Substances used in treatment
  • Sanskrits eight branches

  • Ayurvedic institutes
  • Land of Ayurveda
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Ayurveda and life energy
  • Comparison with other therapies
  • Modern research
  • Summary

  • WHAT IS Ayurveda?
  • Ayurveda is the combination of two Sanskrit
  • ayus meaning long life
  • Veda meaning knowledge
  • knowledge or science of life

  • Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that is
    designed to help people to live long , healthy
    and well-balance .
  • It is a comprehensive method that places equal
    emphasis on the body, mind, spirit and it strives
    to restore the innate harmony of the individual.

  • Objectives
  • This method has following objectives
  • To maintain the health of a person
  • To cure the health issue of a diseased person
  • To live gracefully and harmoniously in balance of
    body , mind and spirit
  • This system focus on curing of illness as a well
    prevention and promotion of health in healthy

  • Principle
  • Fundamental principles of Ayurveda has developed
    from same principle as the development of whole
  • The five basic elements
  • Biological homers
  • Basic tissues
  • Waste products
  • Biological fire

  • therapy started 5000 BCE when they originated as
    an oral tradition
  • It started from the times of Indus valley
  • Ayurveda is an ancient system of life (ayur)
    knowledge (veda) arising in India thousands of
    years ago. Ayurveda theory evolved from a deep
    understanding of creation. The seers of ancient
    India came to understand creation through deep
    meditation and other spiritual practices. They
    sought to reveal the deepest truths of human
    physiology and health. They observed the
    fundamentals of life, organized them and compiled
    India's philosophical and spiritual texts, called
    Veda of knowledge.
  • Ayurveda greatly influenced health care practices
    in the east and the west. By 400 AD Ayurvedic
    works were translated into Chinese

  • There are various legendary accounts of the
    origin of Ayurveda, e.g. that it was received by
    Dhanvantari (or Divodasa) from Brahma.
  • The Chinese pilgrim Fa Hsien (c. 337422 AD)
    wrote about the healthcare system of the Gupta
    empire (320550) and described the institutional
    approach of Indian medicine. This is also visible
    in the works of Charaka, who describes about
    hospital and how it should be equipped.
  • The charaka work was translated in Arabic and
    Persian too in 8th century
  • Alrazi was familiar with this therapy in 9th
  • In about 12th century Arabic work reached to the
    Europe too
  • In 1840 Brett published an article on this

  • During the period of colonial British rule of
    India, the practice of Ayurveda was neglected by
    the British Indian Government, in favor of modern
    medicine. After Indian independence, there was
    more focus on Ayurveda and other traditional
    medical systems. Ayurveda became a part of the
    Indian National health care system, with state
    hospitals for Ayurveda established across the
    country. However, the treatments of traditional
    medicines were not always integrated with others

  • Ayurvedic medicines
  • More than 90 percent of the continent's
    population use some form of Ayurvedic therapy,
    including following its dietary principles,
    practicing traditional or "grandma's medicine,"
    or seeking professional help from trained
    Ayurvedic practitioners.
  • Ayurvedic medicine utilizes diet, detoxification
    and purification techniques, herbal and mineral
    remedies, yoga, breathing exercises, mediation
    and massage therapy as a holistic healing

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  • Ayurvedic massage
  • Abhyanga is an Indian Ayurvedic oil massage therap
    y for healing and detoxifying Body, Mind and
  • This ayurvedic detox and stress reduction
    therapy is performed by herbal oils.
  • It incorporates an aromatic combination of oils
    prepared with herbs warmed and blended to your
    Dosha type.

  • Ayurvedic massage is a key part of ayurvedic
    therapy. Just as a machine needs to be oiled, the
    body loves to have its largest organ, the skin,
    soothed, which is why oils are commonly used in
  • Whether the ayurvedic massage forms part of a
    more comprehensive Ayurveda pragramme or is
    merely undertaken for the sheer pleasure of a
    deeply relaxing, indulgent body massage
    ayurvedic massage is one of ancient India best
    kept secrets.

  • Oil massage is consistently used throughout
    ayurvedic massage treatments. An additional
    benefit of ayurvedic massage is the potency of
    the herb infused oils used. These enhance the
    process of purification and regeneration.

  • Substances used in Ayurveda
  • Substances used in Ayurvedic treatments
  • Plant origin
  • Root
  • Leaves
  • Fruit
  • Bark
  • Seeds
  • As in cardamom and cinnamon
  • Animal origin
  • Milk

  • Bones
  • Gallstones
  • Purified opium is also used in Ayurvedic
    preparation for diarrhea.
  • Cannabis indica was used but now it is absent
    from Ayurvedic books.

  • Sanskrits eight branches
  • Kayachikitsa -Internal Medicine
  • Shalya chikitsa -Surgery
  • Bala chikitsa- Pediatrics
  • Graha chikitsa- Bhoot Vidya - Psychiatry
  • Urdhvanga chikitsa-Treatment of eyes, ears, nose,
  • Damstra chikitsa- Agad Tantra -Toxicology
  • Jara chikitsa- Rasayana- Gerentorology
  • Vrishya chikitsa- vajikarana- Aphrodisiacs

  • Explanation
  • Agada TantraAyurveda is oldest medical science
    known to mankind and mainly aims at healthy
    living and long life unlike other medical science
    which simply focus on the treatment of ailments
    and diseases.
  • Kaumara BhrityaAyurveda is a very elaborate and
    vast medicinal science. It deals with several
    kinds of complex ailments and surgeries.
  • Graha ChikitsaAyurveda is an ancient medicinal
    science. It originated in the Indian subcontinent
    about 5000 years ago and is considered to be one
    of the most advance medical therapies existing in
    the world till now.
  • Rasayana Chikitsa is the branch of Ayurvedic
    science, which deals with various aspects of
    preventive health care. This branch of Ashtang
    Ayurveda aims at achieving a long and healthy

  • Kayachikitsa Ayurveda is the holistic approach,
    which is mainly concerned with the treatment of
    the body.
  • Shalakya Tantra deals with the etiology,
    diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment of
    diseases that are located above the neck region.
  • Shalya ChikitsaIn is a significant branch of
    Ayurvedic science.
  • Vrishya Chtikitsa is a branch of Ayurveda that
    explains the art of producing healthy progeny for
    the creation of a better society

  • Ayurvedic institutes
  • The Ayurvedic Institute is an ayurvedic school
    and Ayurveda health spa in Albuquerque New
  • It was established in 1984 by Vasant Lad as a
    non-profit organization to teach the traditional
    Ayurvedic medicine of India and to provide these
    ancient therapies.
  • The school offers training and services in
    Ayurvedic healing includes herbs,nutrition,panchak
    nskrit and jyotish(vedic asttology)

  • Goals
  • The integration of Ayurveda with modern medicine,
    yoga, Jyotish (Vedic astrology), other healing
    disciplines, and the individual Self to bring
    about total health, awareness, and harmony.
  • It is the dream of Vasant Lad and the goal of the
    Ayurvedic Institute to be able to offer a
    complete program of Ayurvedic study. This program
    would be similar in content to that taught in the
    traditional Ayurvedic colleges in India

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  • Land of Ayurveda- Kerala
  • Wellness is the complete integration of body,
    mind, and spirit - the realization that
    everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an
    effect on our state of well-being
  • - Greg

  • Kerala is also known as the Land of Ayurveda,
    where many number of travelers visit for
    different ayurvedic treatments from around the
    world. By availing a Kerala Ayurveda Tour, one
    can experience the true life of Ayurveda. Only
    place where hundreds of resorts offer different
    Ayurveda treatments along with local known
    Ayurveda centers around which provides
    international class treatments and services.
    Kerala is the only place suitable for Ayurveda
    treatments for its collection of Ayurveda herbs
    and other plants of medicinal importance.

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  • Advantages
  • Since the medicines are made up of natural
    ingredients and chemicals are not used, the harsh
    effects of chemicals do not effect the consumer.
  • These medicines do not put a stop gap on the
    disease, they it in a way to prevent the
    reoccurrence of disease . It aims at giving a
    long term cure for the disease.
  • It improves overall health by improving
    metabolism, reduces the stress and bringing

  • Cont..
  • Many people have phobia of going under the knife.
    These medicines make sure that you do not have to
    get operated in situations like haemorrhoids,
    bone inflammation, gall bladder stones and
    removal of non terminal tumours.
  • There is effective cure in this treatment and
    have no side effects. The only reason behind this
    is it uses only natural substances derived from
    plants, fruits, vegetables and natural minerals.

  • Disadvantages
  • These medicines have a slow and gradual effect on
    the body generally.
  • Since, Ayurveda is highly focused on prevention,
    it does not focus on treating disease caused by
    bacteria and viruses.
  • The cure period is usually longer

  • Ayurveda and life energy
  • Therapy believe that every thing in the universe,
    dead or alive is connected. If your mind, body,
    and spirit are in harmony with universe , you
    have a good health. When something disrupt this
    balance, you get sick. Among these things that
    can upset this balance are birth defects,
    injuries, climate, age, seasonal change and your
  • They believe that every person is made up of five
    basic elements that are
  • AIR

  • FIRE
  • And these forces combine to form three types of
    energies that are called the energy of life,
  • And they also believe that every person inherits
    a unique mix of these three doshas.
  • There are three doshas that are

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  • Vata dosha
  • It is more powerful of all three doshas.
  • It controls very basic body functions like cell
    division, mind, breathing, blood flow, heart
    functions and excretion.
  • Things that can disrupt it include eating again
    too soon after a meal, fear, grief and staying up
    too late.
  • If vata dosha is your main life force, you are
    more likely to develop conditions like anxiety,
    asthma, heart disease, skin problems and
    rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Pitta dosha
  • This energy controls yours digestion, metabolism,
    and certain hormones that are linked to your
  • Things that can disrupt it are eating source or
    spicy foods and spending so much time in sun.
  • If it is your main life source you are more
    likely to develop
  • conditions like Cohn's disease , heart
    disease, high blood
  • pressure, and infections.

  • Kapha dosha
  • This life force controls muscle growth, body
    strength, and stability, weight and immune
  • You can disrupt it by sleeping during the day,
    eating too many sweet foods, eating or drinking
    things that contain too much salt or water.
  • If it is your main life force you may develop
    asthma and other respiratory diseases, cancer ,
    diabetes, obesity, nausea after eating.

  • Comparison with other therapies
  • Ayurveda

  • Ayurveda and Homeopathy are both alternative
    forms of medicine. They differ in their
    philosophy and modes of treatment.
  • Ayurveda and Homeopathy are both alternative
    forms of medicine. They differ in their
    philosophy and modes of treatment.

  • Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda believes in the balance of three key
    components, wind, bile and phlegm in the human
  • Ayurveda, unlike Homeopathy, makes use of some
    surgical procedures and purification techniques
    for managing diseases.
  • The Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and
    Siddha (CCRAS) is a state-sponsored institution
    involved in research and promotion of clinical,
    literary and other aspects of Ayurveda
  • Homeopathy
  • Homeopathy believes in the vitalist philosophy.
  •  Homeopaths also take into account the
    psychological state along with the physical state
    of the person
  • No use of surgery.
  • . Homeopathic remedies are now known worldwide,
    and are being accepted and integrated into
    regular medicine.

  • Ayurveda

  • Ayurveda
  • Ayurveda believes in heal yourself philosophy
  • Ayurveda uses nature made, plant products, herbs
    and shrubs to cure diseases.
  • Ayurvedic medicine doesn't have Expiry Date.
  • These medicines do not have any side effects.
  • Allopathy
  • Allopathy is confined to the human disease and
    very less preventive aspects.
  • Allopathy uses man made chemical compounds as
    medicine to cure diseases
  • Allopathic medicine has expiry date
  • Have side effects

  • Research
  • Most clinical trials lacked appropriate control
    groups, potentially affecting research results.
  • Researchers have studied Ayurvedic approaches for
    schizophrenia and for diabetes however,
    scientific evidence for its effectiveness for
    these diseases is inconclusive.
  • A preliminary clinical trial in 2011, funded in
    part by NCCIH, found that conventional and
    Ayurvedic treatments for rheumatoid arthritis had
    similar effectiveness. The conventional drug
    tested was methotrexate and the Ayurvedic
    treatment included 40 herbal compounds.

  • Ayurvedic practitioners use turmeric for
    inflammatory conditions, among other disorders
    but the research is limited.
  • Varieties of boswellia (Boswellia serrata,
    Boswellia carterii, also known as frankincense)
    produce a resin that has shown anti-inflammatory
    and immune system effects in laboratory studies.
    A 2011 preliminary clinical trial found that
    osteoarthritis patients receiving a compound
    derived from B. serratagum resin had greater
    decreases in pain compared to patients receiving
    a placebo.

  • Licencing
  • No states in the United States license Ayurvedic
    practitioners, although a few have approved
    Ayurvedic schools. Many Ayurvedic practitioners
    are licensed in other health care fields, such as
    midwifery or massage.

  • Summary
  • Ayurvedic medicine is holistic, which means
    viewing the body and mind as a whole. Ayurveda
    not only treats a person's physical complaints,
    but it also changes lifestyle practices to help
    maintain or improve health.

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