Title: 5 Useful Tips For Fire Door Inspection
15 Useful Tips For
Fire Door Inspection
2Fire Door Location
When managers conduct their first fire door
inspection, one of the challenges they face is
locating all fire doors installed. The fire code
specifies where fire doors must be installed, so
managers should understand that the two primary
purposes of the code are to stop the spread of
smoke and fire, and to provide a safe exit in the
event of a fire. There are fire doors between
discrete areas of the building, in corridors
between building sections, and in interior
stairwells, which prevent smoke and fire from
spreading. Additionally, fire doors are located
at all points of egress from the building,
including entrances, exits, and lobbies.
3Inspection Requirements
- During fire door inspection, when the door is
closed, ensure that the latching hardware secures
it. - Missing, damaged, or painted over fire door
labels should be checked. When labels are missing
or damaged, the AHJ may require recertification
or replacement of the door. - Make sure that no parts of the door or frame are
damaged or missing. - Make sure no hardware or other items have been
added to the door or frame that could interfere
with its proper operation. - Look for any openings or breaks in the door and
frame. - Make sure all door hardware, gaskets, and edge
seals are in good condition. -
4Who Can Inspect?
A certified door inspector is not required to
perform the annual testing and inspections. The
NFPA 80 defines a qualified person as a person
who possesses a recognized degree, certificate,
professional standing, or skill, as well as those
who, through their knowledge, experience, and
training, are capable of handling the subject
matter, the work, or the project. If there are no
qualified in-house personnel or if the sheer
number of fire doors is overwhelming, outsourcing
is a good option.
5Fire Door Inspection Report
Managers should carefully review reports after
fire door inspections are completed. Every fire
door should have its own page. A door inspection
report should include not only the items
inspected and tested, but also the type of door
installed, its fire rating, the date the
inspection was conducted, and the name and
signature of the inspector.
6Prioritizing Repairs
It is likely that the first fire door inspection
report will list a number of deficiencies,
ranging from minor ones to those requiring
replacement of the door and frame. Defects may
also include failed latches, excessive gap
between door and frame, missing fire labels,
damaged or missing hardware, and improperly
blocked doors. The sheer number of deficiencies
can overwhelm managers, especially during the
first annual inspection, but it is imperative
that they carefully review the report to
determine what actions need to be taken where and
7Thank You
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