Title: Video Search Tool
1Will the Future of Search be Semantic in 2021?
2Table of Contents
What Is Video Content Search?
What Attributes Does a Video Search Tool Use To
Make a Video Library Searchable?
How Does A Video Search Tool Work?
What Are the Major Applications of A Video Search
3How a Video Search Tool Works Applications Use
4A video search tool allows you to search and
index videos to make them searchable for words,
images, logos, and other metadata in video
libraries. This means you can find information
faster and more efficiently. Finding information
online is relatively easy, most of it being just
a search engine away. In other cases, you might
need to use a specific tool to get the
information you want. But what if the data you
are searching for is in a video format?
How do you find insights, whether they be
employee, customer, market trends, survey
analysis, or even specific references within a
video repository? Understandably, when it comes
to video, search is a bit more complex than
traditional text analytics-based sentiment
analysis. However, an AI-powered automated
solution could simplify this process. So lets
take a closer look at how a video search engine
works and its applications to see how a business
like you can benefit from it.
5Video content search is a machine learning task
that identifies topics, thematic elements,
categories, and subject matters from within your
entire video repository and gives you the
insights you want. This capability to search
inside video data goes beyond text and includes
captions, logos, images, tags, technical details,
and much more. This is important because video
content analysis can be from any source like
social media, news monitoring, reviews, etc. As a
result, video AI allows for voice of the customer
analysis as easily as helping video platforms
like Vimeo, ArtGrid, or Shutterstock manage their
What Is Video Content Search?
6What Attributes Does a Video Search Tool Use To
Make a Video Library Searchable?
7(No Transcript)
8How Does A Video Search Tool Work?
9(No Transcript)
10What Are the Major Applications of A Video Search
11- Some of the major applications for a video search
tool or video search engine include - Podcasting
- News monitoring
- Knowledge management
- Research
- Business directories
- Marketing campaigns
- Smart devices
- Academic archiving
- Video editing platforms and
- Footage libraries
12Thank you!
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