Title: Cervical Dystonia - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
1Cervical Dystonia - Causes, Symptoms, and
2Cervical Dystonia
Till today we have heard about the biggest
diseases and many types of disorders, but today
we will tell you about one such disorder which
very few people are probably aware of. That is
cervical dystonia. Our body maintains blood
supply to every organ through the blood vessels
which helps in various functions like the
blinking of eyes, digestion, etc., in the right
manner. It is a miracle that all these activities
of the body continue all our life, but a small
disturbance can badly disrupt the well-organized
system of our bodily processes. Due to this
disruption, many problems and disabilities can
emerge. Dystonia is one such neurological
disorder. It thrives due to improper functioning
of our neurological function affecting muscles
and majorly nerves. Cervical dystonia is a
dreaded condition in which the muscles of the
neck become stiff. Even after trying a lot, you
cannot move your neck as desired. All the control
of the neck is lost, just like a newborn does not
have control over the neck in a similar fashion,
an adult suffers the same.
3Causes and Symptoms for Cervical Dystonia
- Causes For Cervical Dystonia
- Little is known about the causes of dystonia so
far. Symptoms of dystonia are seen in specific
tasks, such as writing, which is called writer's
cramp. Well, it can also be genetic. In some
people, the symptoms of dystonia also arise due
to certain medicines or certain diseases such as
lung cancer. - Symptoms Of Cervical Dystonia
- There are frequent jerks in the neck
- The neck tends to tilt in one direction
- Physical abnormality
- The person who struggles with this problem cannot
lead a normal life.
4What is its treatment for Dystonia?
There is no cure for dystonia so far. This is due
to a lack of understanding of its
pathophysiology, so treatment focuses only on the
symptoms. The treatment helps in reducing
unwanted movements, improving abnormal gestures,
and improving pain to give relief to
patients. Although there is no exact treatment,
its effects can be reduced by botulinum toxin
injection. But, this injection is out of reach of
a normal person. The cost of one injection is
high and the dosage is once every six months for
the entire life. Gradually, the effect of
injection also decreases. Therefore it can be
said that this disease may be incurable. Cont
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