Title: Neck Spasms And Neck Cramp: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
1Neck Spasms And Neck Cramp Causes, Symptoms And
Neck Spasms, or neck cramps, are very painful and
can also cause significant functional
impairment. Neck spasms can lead to Cervical
dystonia or spasmodic torticollis. In this
condition, the muscles near the neckline contract
involuntarily causing an extremely painful
situation reducing mobility in the spine. Due to
this condition, the neck tends to tilt to some
one side, upwards or downwards. This is a
common pain problem that can affect people of all
ages. Many times, the spasms can start in the
neck and extend to the shoulders. s. Muscle Spasm
in Neck can also cause reduction in movement of
neck and spine. The pain may be very minor or
very sharp can stay for as little as a moment or
as long as days. Treatment consists of relaxing
the muscles, which can be done in a variety of
2This article is an informative article by Dr.
Caballero from Interventional Spine of Vermont, a
pain clinic in Williston (VT). This article does
not constitute medical advice. Always consult
your doctor for medical advice.
- Neck Spasms Causes
- There can be various sources of pain and various
reasons too. But there are two basic ways to
categorize any pain - Neck strain or sprain
- Sprain is a condition where the injury is in the
band of tissue which connects the two bones
together. A small tear or just swelling up can be
the reason for a sprain. Strain usually involves
the injury in the muscles or the band of tissue
which is attaching the muscle to the bone. This
condition is caused due to repetitive motion or
overstraining a muscle. - Overexertion or fatigue
- When tissues or muscles are in intense workload,
there is a chance of contraction of those
tissues or muscles. This is the condition where
the muscles feel hotter than the other parts of
the body. This can also be caused when muscles
work in a high temperature environment and go to
the condition called spasm. - Neck Spasms Exercises
- Neck stretching
- Gentle stretching can be used to relax the
muscles which are stiff near the neckline. This
exercise should not be overdone. Also, one should
slowly do the stretching and not give a jerk to
the neck. A sudden jerk may worsen the condition. - Flexion, extension, and side to side movement
- Similar to neck stretching as above, we can
rotate the head side to side or flex the neck
(chin towards chest) or very gently extend it
(looking up). This can relieve the cervical spine
and the tight muscles by stretching out their
fibers. - Hand stretching
- Hands are connected to the body with the help of
shoulders. Sometimes the muscles between neck
and shoulders get affected due to bad posture or
intense workload. During this kind of pain, one
can simply stretch the hands, moving the
shoulders from front to top and side to side.
3When To Seek Medical Advice Call a pain
specialist when the pain fails to respond to
conservative treatment (ie any of the modalities
above) or it is so severe that it is having a
deep impact on your quality of life. This can
mean difficulties with your usual routines or
even being able to enjoy the things you like to
do (such as working out, playing sports, enjoying
time with your children or grandchildren, etc).
Contact Us
Company Name Spine IV Address 277 Blair Park Rd
Suite 110, Williston VT 05495 Phone(s) 1 (802)
404-2004 Email id interventionalspinevt_at_gmail.com
Website https//www.interventionalspinevt.com/