Title: Crankshaft Specialist | Crankshaft Grinding | Ra Power Solutins
1Welcome to our Ra Power Solutions
- Crankshaft Grinding Machine
2Crankshaft Specialist Crankshaft Grinding
Machine Crankshaft Repair Machine
RA Power Solutions has an experience of 42
years in crankshaft grinding. RA Power Solutions
is proud to launch a revolutionary Crankshaft
Grinding Machine which is capable of undertaking
the grinding crankshaft polishing onsite, withou
t removing the crankshaft from the engine block
casing. Having sold more than 70 Crankshaft
grinding and Crankshaft polishing machines we are
popularly known as crankshaft specialists. The
machines sold by us world-wide are used for Main
Auxiliary engines, Compressors, Locomotives,
Earth moving Marine applications. RA Power
Solutions designs, develops and manufactures a
complete range of crankshaft grinding and
polishing machines, from small diameter of 30 mm
to large diameter of 700 mm. These machines are
used mainly for repair of damaged or burned out
Crankshafts on site.
3Crankshaft Grinding Machine with most advanced
With our experience of repairing of more than ten
thousand crankshafts successfully in the last
four decades we are able to design and produce
crankshaft grinding machines with most advanced
mechanical solutions. The crankshaft grinding
machine manufactured by us is the most
sophisticated machine available today in the
market. The movement, the control and the
measurement is the combination of our experience
and the material selected by us for the
manufacturing of this machine. Our concept and
design is far ahead of the companies who are
still using old technology of undertaking the
grinding of crankpin main journal by taking the
reference of radius fillet.
4Accessories used in Crankshaft grinding machine
Crankshaft Grinding Machine ready for dispatch
5Manufacturing Quality
- The main structure of RA Power Solutions
crankshaft grinding machine is manufactured out
of titanium steel, which is a thermally
stabilized strong structure. - The moving parts are manufactured by skilled
operators and on CNC equipment in order to secure
the highest precision and tolerance for grinding
polishing. - It is our constant endeavour to improve the
design of the machine and to maintain the followin
g - Reduce vibration of the machine.
- Keep the temperature constant and low.
- Improvement in strength.
- Control on weight of the machine.
- Keep the cost low.
6Mob No 91 9582647131 Tel No 91-1244378292,
4251615 Email ID rajshahani_at_rapowersolutions.com