Title: Insitu Crankshaft Inspection
1Welcome To Our RA Power Sites
2Insitu Crankshaft Inspection
RA Power Solutions have been providing onsite
inspection and machining services for new and
reconditioned engine spares i.e. crankshaft,
cylinder head, connecting rod, bearings, etc. for
last four decades. We are well known as most
reliable onsite crankshaft inspection and onsite
crankshaft grinding service company. We deliver
all the engine repair and inspection services
related to high capacity engines installed in
vessel or land based power plants worldwide at
short notice.
3Onsite Inspection of Crankpin Before Polishing
Inspection of Crankpin on Board a Vessel
4In situ Crankpin Machining Onsite Crankshaft
Grinding Polishing Offered by RA Power
In case of failure of the crankshaft, RA Power
Solutions undertakes in situ crankshaft grinding
and polishing. We have a team of experienced
technicians and our response time to an emergency
breakdown situation is minimum. All our
technicians hold valid Indian CDC and can fly to
any destination worldwide in the minimum possible
time. Technicians can also sail on the vessel and
can undertake the repairs. The crankshaft is
repaired with minimum downtime as there is no
requirement of removal of crankshaft from the
engine block. We have in situ crankshaft grinding
machine available in the range of 35 mm to 700 mm
to cater to the emergency breakdown.
5Mob No 91 9582647131 Tel No 91-1244378292,
4251615 Email ID rajshahani_at_rapowersolutions.com
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