Title: ameermehfil09 (1)
2career development is a ongoing process that
occurs over the life span ,include home school
and community
-Pietrofesa and
ongoing process ?It develops an shares
transferability of skills and competencies, ?It
aligns Individual goals with organizational goals
for increased satisfaction of employees ?It
helps individual to develops skills and
competencies required to fulfil present and
future leadership roles within an
organization ?It strengthen professional work
culture in the organization
understand career development from developmental
and multicultural al perspective ? To devise
intervention strategies for developing engaging,
rewarding and retaining talented personal ? To
be able to discuss and apply models of career
counseling that is appropriate for use in an
organization ?To understand h use of assessment
procedures in career development interventions
?To understand how to use technology in career
development intervention ? To facilitate
understanding of personal ,Social ,economic and
other factors related to the world of employees
through out their organizational life span
5? To plan, design, and implement life-long career
development programs ? To locate, identify,
evaluate and disseminate career and educational
information to employees, in line with
organizational needs and opportunities ?To
evaluate the career development programs and use
the results to effect organizational and employee
developing skills and competencies of employees
for initiating, expanding and managing an
organization effectively with focus on real life
business situations and business practices. It
develop in developing entrepreneurship spirit and
potential amongst the employees in order to make
them successful innovators. To facilitate the
acquisition of requisite skills, knowledge and
competencies for organizational excellence. To
develop and create a pool of talented people to
successfully execute the business strategies of
the organization. To devise and implement a
talent management system in the organization
To facilitate succession planning and development
to ensure long-term growth and success of the
71 ASSESSMENT In this stage, you are getting
ready for your life's work. This stage is
characterized by unawareness, in that you are not
sure what your values, strengths, and weaknesses
are. You start to feel as though you want to know
more about yourself and make a conscious effort
to getting touch with who you really are.
2 INVESTIGATION Here you are researching what
work exists in the world. This stage is
characterized by feelings of confusion, in that
you are not sure what career options exist for
you. You may feel overwhelmed with all of the
jobs and opportunities that exist as you begin
the process of researching the modern world of
work. But if you approach this stage with a
positive frame of mind, you will find that you
will learn about many possibilities you may have
never considered.
8 2 PREPRATION This stage, you will feel
confident that you have figured out what you are
meant to do. Sometimes people have known all
along what they were meant to do but could not
commit to the process of making it happen, for
whatever reason. At this stage, more than ever,
you must focus your energy and keep your eye on
the target. Key characteristics Conducting a
job search Negotiating and accepting a job offer
4 COMMITMENT In this stage, you will feel
confident that you have figured out what you are
meant to do. Sometimes people have known all
along what they were meant to do but could not
commit to the process of making it happen, for
whatever reason. At this stage, more than ever,
you must focus your energy and keep your eye on
the target.
9Lifology is a career development resource
community for Parents. Our major aim is to
prepare the Parents to encourage and advise their
teenage kids in deciding higher education and