Title: saferpainmanagement
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2Safer pain management is better pain
management and can be achieved through a variety
of treatment approaches that work well together.
When over- the-counter pain drugs just arent
enough, prescription non-opioid pain medications
are sometimes necessary and everyone should have
a convenient option to take control of their own
pain management needs from the convenience of
their home through the use of tele-health
provided by clinicians that believe in providing
safe medications.We hope you enjoy learning
about safer management approaches found on this
site and also take us up on our offer to claim
your free telehealth visit if needing a
prescription medication.
3KNOW THE FACTS Why is Safer Pain Management
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- What is a Multimodal Approach?
- The multimodal approach to pain management seeks
to decrease the emphasis on opioid analgesics by
combining several therapies to effectively
improve patient health and provide pain relief.
For various conditions, including chronic pain,
acute pain, and even lower back pain, at
multimodal approach has been found to - Lower pain scale scores
- Decrease opioid use
- Result in fewer opioid-related adverse effects
- Decrease length of post-surgery hospital stays
- The multimodal approach can incorporate many
different types of therapies, including
medicinal, physical, occupational, and
6Many Americans suffer from chronic pain and these
patients need safe and effective techniques for
pain management. While prescription opioids are
an extremely effective pain medication OR
treatment in the short term, as time goes on they
tend not to be the best choice considering their
severe adverse effects, including a
high potential for misuse, abuse, and
overdose.It is for these reasons that opioids
should not be used as the only source of pain
medicine for pain relief.
7TREAT THE SOURCE Are You Tired of Living With
Pain? Telehealth is a quick and convenient way to
connect with a healthcare provider to assess your
pain and potentially prescribe a safe non-opioid
prescription pain medication that could be right
for you. This could be a good first option to
relieving your pain safely before setting a live
appointment to get further evaluated by a primary
care of specialist doctor.
8START YOUR TREATMENT Consult with a credentialed
healthcare provider for a multimodal pain
management option. RECEIVE A PAIN TELEHEALTH
9The health information contained in this site is
provided for educational and informational
purposes only. Saferpainmanagement.com does not
provide medical or pharmaceutical advice and is
not intended to replace discussions with a
licensed healthcare provider. All decisions
regarding diagnosis, patient care, and treatment
must be determined by a healthcare provider after
evaluating a patient individually. This site is
intended for patients and visitors in the United
States and should not be used by children under
the age of 16.