Title: Jim Sharkey - High School Sports Coach
1High School Sports Coach
2Master's In Special Education
Jim Sharkey has a master's in special education
that he would like to use to support children
with additional needs. He has worked in education
for his entire career and has received awards for
his coaching work.
3 An Award-Winning Educator
Jim Sharkey is an award-winning educator and high
school sports coach who takes pride in his
ability to facilitate the success of his
4Loves Working With Children
Jim Sharkey is an educator who loves working with
children and providing them with the tools needed
to flourish in life. Jim Sharkey plans to shift
his focus to teaching special ed and has a
master's degree in the field that he feels will
help him succeed.
5Future Plans
Jim Sharkey is a lifelong educator who has held
several teaching and coaching positions at
schools throughout his state. In the future, Jim
Sharkey would like to focus his career solely on
teaching and plans to utilize his master's degree
in special education to the fullest.
6A Proud Member
Jim Sharkey is a professional educator who has
been a proud member of the Washington Education
Association and the National Education
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