Title: Reasons why water therapy is important
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Water Therapy
Are you aware that drinking some quantity of
water immediately you wake up from bed has some
profound therapeutic effects on various health
conditions? To maintain good health and
well-being, we need to keep our body hydrated,
but many people are not aware of this.
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The Process
- Drink 1.5 liters of water upon waking from bed
after which you can continue with your morning
routine after this exercise. - Dont take anything one hour before and after
drinking the 1.5 liters of water. - If possible, try to avoid alcohol consumption the
previous night before doing the therapy. - The best practice when beginning is to drink at
least 3-4 glasses first and then take a
two-minute gap to finish the rest of the water,
equaling up to 6 glasses.
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The Benefits
- 1 It Eliminates Toxins From The Body
- When we drink water in the morning it flushes
out all the harmful toxins that have accumulated
in the body overnight. - It thus enables the entire body system to be
fresh and healthy.
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The Benefits
- 2 It Indirectly Controls Weight Gain
- One of the objectives of water therapy is to
clean your stomach and boost your digestive
system. - The amount of water you drink on an empty stomach
should not be lower than the stipulated quantity.
- It helps flush out toxins and enables the
absorption of more nutrients and in turn, makes
you feel fuller faster and longer. - This thus helps minimize hunger pangs and
cravings, which indirectly controls weight gain.
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The Benefits
- 3 It Purifies the Colon
- It is a natural cleanser and detoxifier.
- It facilitate digested food assimilation.
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The Benefits
- 4 It Helps Prevent Kidney Stone Formation
- It helps in diluting accumulated by-products of
acids which could have led to the formation of
stones in the kidney. - Used as a preventive means of bladder/kidney
related diseases.
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The Benefits
- 5 It Strengthens Improves The Immune System
- Boost the immune system of the body by flushing
and balancing the lymphatic system. - It also prevents the chances of bacteria and
fungi from overproduction or developing into more
severe diseases.
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The Benefits
- 6 It Prevents Heartburn
- Heartburn occurs when increased amounts of
acidity in your stomach, refluxes into your
oesophagus. - Water therapy dilutes these acids inside the
stomach and flushes them out of the system thus
preventing any kind of possible reflux of acid
back into the esophagus.
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The Benefits
- 7 It Helps Keeps Your Hair Lush and Long
- Dehydration hurts your hair growth.
- Dehydration prevents the hair follicle from
functioning well, thereby affecting the texture
of the hair. - Water therapy can nourish your hair from inside
out, leading to shiny, smooth, and healthy hair.
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The Benefits
- 8 It Helps Improves Skin Complexion
- It helps the skin to be elastic, thus preventing
wrinkles, uneven patches, and deep pores. - Water therapy of at least 500 ml on an empty
stomach increases the blood flow in your skin,
making it glow.
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The Benefits
- 9 It Cures Illnesses
- Water therapy done religiously over a long time
has been proved to cure a variety of illnesses. - Also helpful if it is practiced along with your
medication. - Helps in activating the healing process and also
restore the surrounding cells/tissues/organs back
to their normal functioning.
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The Benefits
- 10 It Hydrates You at a Cellular Level
- It helps in hydrating your cell at a superior
rate after hours of sleeping. - Thus providing fresh energy for the new day.
- It helps in maintaining the functionality of
blood and muscle cells of the body.
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The Benefits
- 11 It Helps To Lubricate The Joints
- About 80 of water is contained in cartilages
found in joints and the disks of the spine. - It helps in maintaining the functionality of the
synovial fluid and the cartilage thereby
improving the joints shock-absorbing ability,
thus preventing joint pain.
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The Benefits
- 12 It Helps To Regulate Body Temperature Body
Electrolytes - Water therapy helps to balance the electrolytes
of the body. - Body temperature is regulated during the heat
period. - Evaporation occurs and this helps to cool the
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The Benefits
- 13 It Helps To Boosts Performance During
Exercise - Dehydration during exercise hinders optimal
performance. - It replenish water lost as sweat during exercise.
- Reasons why sport men and women drink water after
taking a break from their exercise.
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