Title: Creative Thinking for Innovation - MIT ID Innovation
1Develop Your Creative Thinking and Innovation
Skills For the Betterment of an
Organization MITID Innovation
2In today's world, where the number of problems is
on a constant hike, the need for an innovative
solution is clearly felt. Innovation for
entrepreneurs is a necessity that will help in
increasing the loyal customer base for a company.
Creativity and innovation skills help in
increasing business growth and development
prospects for a company. This overall success is
owed to creative thinking for innovation.
3But what exactly are creativity skills and
innovation? The ability to generate novel ideas
to solve a problem is called creativity skills.
Innovation skills could be explained as
exploiting new and novel ideas to gain and
increase social and economic value. Innovation
and creativity skills are now considered
essential in every aspect of the workplace. Ev
4en innovation and creativity skills are an
inseparable part of an employee innovation
programme. Therefore, many organisations are
adopting various activities to encourage
innovation. Some of the activities an
organisation could adopt are -
5Proper Assessment of Creative Skills
The initial step to encourage innovation and
creativity in employees is to get a fair
assessment through various tests of the level of
creativity and innovation in your organisation.
The areas of creativity and innovation where a
company lacks could be focussed upon, and those
areas could be honed deeply. Thus, assessment of
skills is a must.
6An Innovation Culture Must be Adopted
Innovation for entrepreneurs could be achieved in
its true sense only when an innovation culture is
adopted in the company. The environment of the
office should be the one where every member of an
organisation is keen to adopt creativity and
innovation in their working style.Â
7Adopt The Formula of Reflecting, Learn and Repeat
The employee innovation programme is not a
one-day process rather a continuous affair.
Therefore, if one idea is unsuccessful, the
process must not be put at a halt. The correct
process involves three stages. The initial step
is to reflect on your own thoughts and ideas and
present them before the concerned people.
8Personalised Employee Training
Every employee is unique and has a different set
of competencies. The strengths and weaknesses of
every employee could be analysed. The strengths
of employees could be fostered even more by
providing them with training in that
arena. Creative thinking for innovation could be
therefore enhanced and increase the productivity
of an employee for an organisation.
9Do not Settle
A creative approach could never be fostered in an
organisation if the employees have accepted the
organisation's current standard as their best
performance. The willingness to change and desire
to achieve more should never be dead. This could
be achieved by setting aspirations, motivating
employees and rewarding those employees who
achieve and work more than the set targets.
10These are a few of the activities to encourage
innovation in an organisation. Adoption of these
activities could help a company in achieving
heights. But at the same time, fostering
innovation in mindset is equally
important. Therefore, it is important to enrol in
an elite educational institution for a strong
11If you are looking for one such premium
institution, then MIT ID is the most suitable
choice. If you want to learn how to adopt the
true essence of creativity and innovation in your
working style and looking for a bright future,
MIT ID is a worthy investment.
MIT ID Innovation Programme curates knowledge and
experiences that challenge the very paradigm of
evolution. And that's why we have set out to
define the future of industries, communities,
cities and ecosystems. MIT ID Innovation offers
the best Innovation Courses in India and Design
13Wed love to hear
from you.
- MIT INSTITUTE OF DESIGNRajbaug,, Loni-Kalbhor,
- 91-7038982225 / 91 9834092369
- innovation_at_mitid.edu.in