Title: Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
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2Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
With Medicare and private payer insurance changes
and new requirements and regulations,
chiropractic medical billing has become quite
complex. Chiropractors need to revamp their
revenue cycle technologies and billing workflows
to submit clean claims, reduce denials, and get
reimbursed. We shared some Chiropractic Billing
Collections strategies that can streamline a
practices financial workflow and improve
revenue. Chiropractic Billing Collections
Strategies Educate Patients According to a
Revenue Cycle Intelligence report, to improve the
patient financial experience, providers should
inform patients of their financial responsibility
before their office visit. Patients should
understand the costs involved with chiropractic
care, what their insurance covers, and what their
financial responsibilities could be. Patients
can be given a flyer with a simple explanation of
billing basics. They can be directed to a
customer service number for issues that need
clarification. Make sure office staff knows how
to communicate with patients about billing
3Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
Verify Insurance Billing success begins at the
front desk. Insurance verification should be done
at each visit to understand what the patients
responsibility is. Payers offer different plans
with varying deductibles and co-pay options.
Getting insurance eligibility verification done
by a specialist before the office visit would
ensure that both the provider and the patient
know how much the patient is responsible for and
whats covered. Its important to check
eligibility for returning patients who have been
absent for a while. Recording accurate patient
data, including insurance information and
provider eligibility, is necessary for error-free
claims submission.
4Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
Collect Patient Responsibility Problems related
to collecting patient responsibility are often
caused by a lack of a clearly explained financial
policy and/or poor administration. Patients
should sign a form acknowledging that their
insurance may not cover all of their care. Many
patients dont discover the limitations of their
policies until they show up in your office.
Identify the shortcomings of your patients
insurance coverage. If you dont, patients are
likely to blame you rather than placing the
responsibility on the insurance carrier. Chart
Notes The quality of your patient notes can
directly affect your chiropractic practice
collection. The first step to improve them is to
make sure your notes are legible. There is some
chiropractic software that includes intuitive
notes, charting, and guided documentation helping
you in reducing errors. It also takes away the
guesswork at deciphering handwriting. Secondly,
youll need to establish a chiropractic treatment
plan for each patient, and reflect evidence of
functional improvement within the chart notes.
Making sure your documentation is in compliance
will increase practice collection. Accurate
5Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
Sometimes chiropractors intentionally under code
in order to avoid the penalties associated with
overcoding or unbundling. Others leave the coding
to their administrative staff, which can be so
confusing and complicated that it results in an
even higher rate of errors, and an increased
level of stress. It isnt easy to stay current
with coding, and this can result in reduced
reimbursement, or delayed and denied
claims. Documentation Each patient encounter
should be clearly documented to prove that the
service was actually performed. The four major
types of documentation errors are no
documentation, insufficient documentation, lack
of medical necessity, and incorrect coding. The
Department of Health and Human Services Office of
Inspector General (OIG) found that improper
payment rates attributed to insufficient
documentation rose from 39.5 to 92.2 in the
last four years. Special attention should be
given to documentation to avoid these errors. It
would be difficult to streamline revenue
cycle activities as well as taking care of
patient management. Some of the successful
chiropractic practices rely on medical billing
companies to handle their chiropractic medical
billing and coding. For more information on
chiropractic billing and coding, please get in
touch with us!
6Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
FAQs 1. Why is patient education important for
chiropractic billing? Educating patients about
their financial responsibilities helps avoid
confusion and ensures they understand what their
insurance covers, reducing payment delays. 2.
How does verifying insurance help improve billing
accuracy? Insurance verification ensures both the
patient and provider know whats covered and what
the patient owes, preventing billing errors and
denied claims. 3. Why should chiropractors focus
on chart notes? Accurate and detailed chart notes
demonstrate medical necessity and treatment
progress, which improves reimbursement rates and
reduces claim denials. 4. What role does
accurate coding play in chiropractic
billing? Proper coding prevents undercoding or
overcoding, leading to faster payments and fewer
claim rejections, which ultimately improves cash
7Boost Your Chiropractic Billing Collections
5. How does documentation affect chiropractic
practice collections? Clear and sufficient
documentation proves the services were provided,
helping avoid claim denials due to insufficient
or missing information.