Title: Chiropractor Charlotte NC | Chiropractic Clinic | Tebby Clinic
1Chiropractor Charlotte NC Chiropractic Clinic
- Chiropractic Clinic helps to relieve headaches,
neck and back pain, joint pain and sports
injuries. Our Chiropractor Charlotte NC is here
to help you find relief and wellness. Call Tebby
Clinic today for chiropractic care tailored to
your health goals.
2Charlotte Chiropractor Office Of Tebby Clinic
Home Instructions
Prior to leaving, patients will be given
instructions on certain activities or procedures
to be conducted at home. This may include ice or
heat application instruction, avoidance of
certain activities or positions, as well as home
exercises and/or stretches to ensure
your chiropractic fitness.
3History Examination
In order to determine what your actual problem
is, the doctor will ask you various questions
related to your condition. Next, a number of
specialized tests will be performed to determine
which tissues are affected and to what extent.
Same Day Treatment
Once finished with the examination and all
appropriate studies, patients will generally be
provided with their first treatment during this
same visit. This may include spinal adjustments,
physical therapies, and/or soft tissue therapies.
4Do I need chiropractic treatment?
Today everyone needs chiropractic treatments to
improve their health. Our philospophy revolves
are around proactive chiropractic clinics accept
the majority of insurance plans. However, its
best to verify that your insurance will
cover chiropractic clinics accept the majority of
insurance plans. However, its best to verify
that your insurance will cover chiropractic
care in keeping our patients healthy. If you feel
tired and discouraged and have to take medicines
to feel relaxed then it is better to make an
appointment with this Charlotte chiropractic
clinic to receive the very best care in this
Charlotte natural healing center. Come to our
chiropractic clinic for a checkup to have
any auto accident injury evaluated. We provide a
thorough examination with undivided patient
attention, so the patients experience with
their Chiropractor is nothing short of
5Conditions Treated
6Address 8415 Pineville-Matthews Rd. Charlotte,
North Carolina 28226 Phone 704-541-7111 Email
appt_at_tebbyclinic.com Website www.tebbyclinic.com
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