Title: Rohit Jawa - Software Development Industry Expert
1Rohit Jawa Software Development Industry Expert
2Certifications In App Development
- Rohit Jawa is a software developer who holds a
bachelor's degree in computer science. He has
also completed certifications in app development
for android devices. Rohit Jawa used these
qualifications to develop the first mobile app
that was able to track the spread of covid-19 in
March of 2020.
3 Software Development Industry
- Since graduating college, Rohit Jawa has worked
in the software development industry for around
six years. Rohit Jawa has worked on a wide range
of projects on a freelance basis including app
development for Android devices using Android
Studio, Eclipse, and Java.
- Rohit Jawa has worked with the ITC Management
Group since January 2019. He provides software
development solutions and information technology
consulting services. Rohit Jawa would like to
enter the field of robotics in the future as he
believes that personal robotics is set to be huge.
Rohit Jawa is a software developer who has spent
many years in the industry. He provides software
development solutions and IT consultancy services
to businesses all over the world. Rohit Jawa has
worked with both an agency and on a freelance
basis and is capable of deliver top-quality work
for his clients.
6For More Information Visit -
https//speakerhub.com/speaker/rohit-jawa https/
/www.dibiz.com/rohitjawaca https//soundcloud.com
/rohitjawa https//30seconds.com/rohitjawa/
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